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After finding out what's poking you in the back you decided it was a dream and you ended falling back asleep.

Time Skip:

The next morning you woke up and then.............

He was still fucking there.

Wellllll it wasn't a dream.

"Jack." you said trying to wake him up. He refused to wake up.

"Jack!", you said repeating.

"What." He said sleepily.You got so tired of it you shouted.

"Your dick is on my back dumb ass."

As soon as he heard that his eyes shot open. He stayed there for what seemed like forever and finally said, "Oh shit.That's weird."

"What's more weird is that you can keep a stiffy all night numb nuts ." You said sitting up.

"You knew about it all night?!" He asked embarrassed.

"I though it was a dream", you looked over to see his face shift from embarrassment to cockiness.

"OHHHHHH! so you dreamed about my dick huh! He said standing up to reveal his stiffy once more.Jack quickly ran into the bathroom and slammed the door.

"Not so funny now smart ass." You sat there awkwardly until you heard a knock at the door.

"(y/n)! I'm soo sorry ,I was drunk I know you'll never forgive me, but can you please open up?"

You roll your eyes and go open up the door. When you open it you see Mark standing there and after a few seconds he was madly blushing. Now that you were finally sober you noticed that you were wearing the "sexy" pajamas . You quickly covered up your cleavage and invite him in.

"Morning sunshine!" You said ,and just to get your' just desserts' you clank the glasses from last night hard on the table.

"Shit can you not?" Mark asked wincing as the loud noise worsened his migraine.

" Sorry you must've forgotten you basically almost raped last night so..................
no shit for brains!"

Jack finally exited the bathroom and he was still in his boxers.

Well this isn't compromising at all.
Mark's eyes widened and then Jack stopped dead in his tracks ,embarrassed.
"Oh .So you guys uh..... ",Mark said with sadness in his voice.
"No, no , no , no , NO!", You said blushing crazily.
"I just let him stay because he left his key card In his room!" You said nodding and babbling quickly.
"Yeah , yeah!" Jack said.
"Well I heard something about Jack's dick in your back, that's what woke me up in the first place. What was that about?"
"Nothing just a joke." Jack said quickly. "Oh okay." Mark said fiddling with his thumbs.
"So we still have a day before Pax starts... what do you guys want to do? Jack said standing awkwardly.

Time Skip:
After a short discussion about things to do you decided to see the city and maybe catch some breakfast.
Everyone got dressed and ready to go off to see the city.

You got dressed in a cute (f/c) dress that goes to your knees with clear beige stockings that stop at the thighs with cute black heels. You got your slimming black jacket and (f/c) gloves , scarf , and hat. Nothing fancy , but cute.

Ready to hang out with your favorite youtubers?
Hell no.

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