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Requested by lovaticslovelovato xx

You're lying on the couch with your girlfriend, Demi...

"Change the channel," you say, making Demi groan. She moves a bit from where she's lying in front of you, getting even more comfortable before sighing.
"I don't know where the remote is," she responds with a whine.
"You're probably lying on it again," you tell her, rolling your eyes playfully. You reach over her, moving your hand under her side in search of the remote.
"Hey!" she shrieks, laughing and jerking away from you.
"What?" You start laughing, but you pull her back to you as you continue to dig around for the remote.
"Stop stop!" she laughs, trying to pull away from you. You feel the remote and yank it out from underneath her, and she squeals.
"I take it you're ticklish," you comment wryly, dropping the remote behind you.
"Shut up," she retorts, but you can hear the smile in her voice.
"Mhmm," you hum before starting to tickle her side. She shrieks and nearly elbows you in the face as she tries to get away.
"Stop!" she laughs, batting at your hands. "Oh fuck." She crashes off the couch from writhing around too much, and you can't help but laugh.
"Are you okay?" you giggle, sitting up to look at her, but she has a huge smile on her face.
"Fine," she laughs, getting up onto her knees. She runs a hand through her messy hair and crosses her legs. Giving you a pointed look, she pats the spot beside her.
You roll your eyes playfully but grab the remote and climb off the couch. You both sit so you're facing the TV and lean against the couch. You hand her the remote, and she surfs the channels for something good.
"Okay but why did I not know you're ticklish?" you chuckle, and she groans.
"Shut up."
"But seriously."
"Oh come on," she whines, unable to stop the smile forming on her face. "Everybody has their weaknesses," she jokes, making you laugh.
"True." You glance at the TV. "Oh! Let's watch that!"
"But they're showing Family Guy here," she replies.
"But Criminal Minds!" you counter.
"Family Guy," she whines, sticking out her bottom lip.
"Criminal Minds," you repeat, reaching for the remote in her hand. She pulls away with a yelp and starts laughing as she dodges your hand. "Give it to me," you laugh, and she scrambles back.
"Well in that case..." You start tickling her again, and she shrieks.
"No!" she laughs, trying to push you away. She throws her head back, her eyes closed tightly as she laughs uncontrollably. You keep tickling her, giggling at how adorable she looks.
Kicking her legs, she wriggles around, losing her grip on the remote. Just as she's losing her breath, you stop and snatch up the remote, changing the channel.
"Not fair!" she laughs, sitting up and breathing heavily. You lean forward and peck her on the lips, making her smile against you. You smile and change the channel back as you pull away.
"I mostly just wanted another excuse to tickle you," you joke, and she rolls her eyes.
"Figured as much."
You move back to your spot in front of the couch, and she snuggles into your side. Wrapping an arm around her, you pull her closer.
She rests her head on her shoulder and says, "You're going to tickle me a lot now, aren't you?"
"You're too cute not to tickle," you chuckle, and she huffs.
"You're lucky I love you," she laughs, kissing your cheek.
You turn your head, pressing your lips to hers. She puts a hand on your face, and you smile. "I love you, too."

holy shit it's been so long since I've written anything omg I feel so out of practice (if that even makes sense lmao)
Sorry if my writing is bad (and if there are mistakes bc fr I struggled to write)

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