Pants in This Heat?

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You're outside tending your garden...

"Babe, come back inside." You hear your girlfriend's voice.
"In a minute," you say as you tie the last plant to a bamboo stake.
"I made iced coffee," she says, and you run your hand across your forehead. It's incredibly hot today.
"Sounds great," you say, standing up and turning around. "What the fuck are you doing?" you ask when you see her standing there in only a long t-shirt. "Are you wearing pants?"
"Does it look like I'm wearing pants?" she retorts, flipping you off.
"Demi!" you laugh. "People will see!"
"See what? It's not like I'm walking around with my ass out," she responds as you go over to her.
"You are something, Demetria," you say, shaking your head. She sticks her tongue out at you before spinning around and walking back toward the house. Her flip-flops make clacking noises against the path, and you watch as she opens the door.
"Get in. You're going to die of heatstroke," she says, and you roll your eyes playfully.
"I'm fine," you reply, following her inside and into the kitchen. You go to the sink to wash your hands, and Demi puts two glasses of iced coffee on the table.
"I mean look at you."
You turn around to look at her, and she widens her eyes dramatically.
"Wearing...pants," she gasps, making you laugh. 
"Because I'm normal," you retort, drying your hands and going to sit at the table.
"No. You're absolutely crazy. Wearing pants in this heat? Unheard of."
"Is that so?" you reply, a smile playing on your lips.
"Mhmm," she hums with a chuckle.
You take a sip of your coffee, stirring it slowly.
"Thanks for the coffee, by the way," you tell her, and she nods.
"Absolutely. Anything to get you back in the house."
"Why did you want me back so bad?"
"I wanted to blast the air conditioner and watch TV," she replies, making you laugh.
"Seriously? That was it?"
"And eat ice cream," she adds.
"Oh of course," you say.
After you finish your coffee, you go into the living room where the air conditioner is already blasting. Demi carries some ice cream while you have two spoons.
You jump onto the couch and turn on the TV before going into Netflix. Demi pops open the ice cream before offering it to you.
"Thanks," you say as you dig you spoon into it. You pop the spoon into your mouth as you flip through Netflix.
"How about 'No Kiss List' again?" she suggests as it comes up on the screen.
"Hey. It's a good movie," she points out, and you laugh.
"I'm not arguing with that," you reply as you turn it on.
You lean into her side as you share the ice cream and watch the movie.
After a while, the ice cream is all gone, and you're both lying in a tangled heap on the couch, absently watching the movie.
"Get your hand off my ass," she mumbles, kissing your neck.
"Oh shut up," you respond, squeezing her ass and making her giggle.
She kisses your jawline and moves a hand to your face. She kisses the side of your mouth, making you smile.
"Demi," you mumble, and she hums in response. Her lips touch yours gently, and you can taste the ice cream on her.
"What?" she mumbles, and you bite her bottom lip gently.
"I love you." You pull away slightly. "Even though you're extremely hot and making me sweat."
"Oh shut up," she laughs. "You're too hot, too." She kisses you again. "But I love you."

it is so fucking hot today
I'm melting
my fucking bird was melting on my knee like seriously
My fucking dog (who stepped on my stomach TWICE and is now my enemy) was melting on the floor
We're all melting

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