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"You nervous?" Eden asks as he walks me up to the front door of the prison.

"A little." More like my stomach was doing backflips. "I'm anxious, ya know?"

Eden nods his head and steps back a little. "I'm probably going to drive around for a little but I'll be here by the time you get done." He says.

"Ok," I say. "Thanks again, E. I love you, babe."

Eden pulls me into a hug. "I love you, too Jussie. Be strong."

Eden turns and walks away and I turn back towards the building. To come into a prison visitation room, you had to cover up your body, so I had on a pair of ADIDAS joggers and a 'Nah-Rosa Parks, 1955' sweatshirt.

I opened the door and was met by correction officers and a long line of people wanting to see their loved ones. I waited in line until it was my turn to get to the front desk.

"Who are you here to see?" The lady asks.

"Messiah River." I say, while pulling out all the paperwork I needed to be able to see him.

The lady looks up at me and then checks her clipboard in front of her.

"Are you Jussie Perez?" She asks me.

I nod my head confused, wondering how she knew my name.

"You need to stand to the side, someone will be here to get you in a minute." The lady says and points to the other side of the room.

What the heck is going on? All the other people were going in through another door.

I guess another perk of being a River boy.

"Are you Jussie?" A corrections officer says, startling me out of my thoughts.


"Follow me." The man says and turns around through a door.

I follow him down a long hallway, then outside, then through another long hallway. Lastly, we enter into a white-wall room that was spacious and decorated nicely. There was a nice queen-sized bed, a flat screen TV, and what looked like a private bathroom.

Sitting on the bed was Messiah.

He stood up when we entered the room and shook the guard's hand. "Thanks, Mike."

"No problem, Mr. River. I'll be back to get him in two hours, ok?" The guard, Mike, says to Messiah.

"Yeah, man." Messiah says. "This my friend, he just here to talk business."

The guard nods then steps out of the room, leaving me and Messiah alone.

"Your friend, huh?" I ask sarcastically, while looking around the room.

"Jussie, come here."

I sigh and sit at the chair in the corner of the room instead.

"You wanted to talk, let's talk." I say, wanting to get down to business.

"Ok." Messiah claps his hands together. "How have you been?"

"I wanna know about the girl, Messiah."

"Damn, Jussie. Atleast tell me what's been going on with you, first." Messiah says.

"Who were you cheating on, me or her? Does she know about me?" I say, firing off question after question.

Messiah sighs and runs his hand over his nose. "She was just someone to introduce to my parents. I met her like 8 months ago. And no, she doesn't know about you."

So, I guess his mom and dad were pressuring him to find a girl to be with. We've been together for 3 and a half years, and I've never met anyone from his family. Hearing him speak those words made me tear up a little.

"So what, what does she think? Does she think you guys were in an actual relationship? Were you guys having sex?"

"If I didn't play the part, she would have knew something was up." Messiah says.

So, that was a yes. He was getting the best of both worlds. Having sex with her then coming home to our apartment and having sex with me. I never pressured for him to use condoms because I thought we were only having sex with each other. Guess not.

"That's disgusting, Messiah. Did you go in raw?" I asked, standing up from the chair. "Cause we damn sure never used condoms!"

"Jussie, this isn't what I wanted to talk to you about." Messiah says, with his head in his hands.

"Shut the fuck up, Messiah. You only ever wanna talk about things that are convenient for you. I've been by your side for three years and this is how you do me. Its 20-fucking-16 no one cares that you're gay! Your family will continue to love you, no matter what." I say, getting angry and raising my voice.

"First off, don't ever tell me to shut the fuck up. Second off, I know how long we have been together and, trust me, that's not something I take lightly. Third, I know how my father is." Messiah says, standing up as well.

"Messiah, you cheated on me for almost a year of our relationship and-"

"And I'm sorry for that." Messiah interrupts me.

"Saying you are sorry, doesn't magically erase what you did." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, I'm going to make everything up to you. I'm being released earlier." Messiah says, slowly walking to me.

"How early?" I ask. Messiah's dad had reach anywhere and everywhere. Everybody knew he wasn't going to serve his entire sentence, but I didn't think it was going to be this soon.

"In like, 2 weeks." Messiah says, while grabbing my hand. He leads me over to the bed and sits me down on his lap.

"How does someone only serve 6 months of a five-year sentence, Messiah?" I ask.

"My dad hired some of the best lawyers in Cali." Messiah says, moving my hair to the side, so he could kiss on my ear.

I sigh and let him. His hands roam over my chest.

"She don't mean nothing to me, Jussie. I was just doing it to please my dad. I broke it off with her. In two weeks, I'm coming home and everything will go back to the way it was." Messiah whispers into my ear.

Messiah taps my leg and I get off his lap. He lays me onto the bed and hovers over me. He starts at my neck and leaves a trail of kisses down to my stomach.

"You with me, baby?"

I hum and nod my head. Messiah moves my sweatshirt up so, he could kiss my navel. I feel myself getting hard and rub the waves in Messiah's head.

My whole body was on fire as he brought his lips to mine and then began to kiss me. He added tongue as my hands traveled to his back and under his shirt so, I could feel his back muscles.

Next, he pulled down his pants, while I took off all my clothes. He pushed my legs open and pulled them up onto his shoulders. He reached his hand up and spit on his hand. Then, he reached down and stroked his member a few more times.

"Baby, hurry up." I whisper, looking up at him.

He hovered over me and placed his lips on mine, while sliding into me. He gave me a few minutes to adjust then he moved at a steady pace. Like clockwork, he went deeper as we fucked away all of our current frustrations. And it didn't end there. We did another round of backshots, until I had to tap out.

After, we laid there trying to catch our breaths.


"Mr. River, I'm here to get Mr. Perez." Came the guard's voice from outside the door.

I stood up and put my clothes back on as did Messiah.

"See you in two weeks." I say, looking at Messiah.

"Yeah." Messiah says. We kiss each other one more time, then I open the door to greet the guard.

"And answer my goddamn phone calls!"

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