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When I opened my eyes, I was met by white walls and a bright light. Every part of me ached and I could feel gauze wrapped around my head.

"Jussie! Jussie, you're awake!" I hear my sister, Jazz exclaim.

"Oh, my baby." My mother whispers, coming up to my bed.

"Go. Get the nurse and your father." My mom says, to Jazz.

Looking up into my mother's eyes, I began to cry. I haven't seen my parents in about three months. They live in Florida, with my younger sister, Jazz. I only visit them when I could or when they could come and see me.

"Mom." I cry.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here." My mom says, hugging me and resting her head on top of mines. The pain was still there, but I needed my mother's touch right now.

Then, the door to the hospital room swung open and my dad, Jazz, and a doctor came through. My dad rushes over to me and embraces me.

"Jussie, what happened to you?" My father says, after releasing me from the hug.

Instantly images of girls and black timberland boots flood my mind. I shake my head to rid myself of the thoughts.

"I don't know, dad. It all happened so fast." I say.

"Well, it's nice to see you awake, Jussie. Sorry to see this happen to you. You gave the whole hospital a scare when you came in." Doctor Coleman says, while grabbing my chart.

Doctor Coleman was my boss so, it was nice to know who was looking over me.

"Alright Jussie, you have a concussion so you'll need to take it easy. Luckily, nothing was broken but you do have some bruised ribs and a vein was popped in your eye. Other than all that, I would say you were pretty lucky." Doctor Coleman says.

I let out a sob in relief. I honestly thought I was going to die, laying there.

"Who found me?" I ask.

"Someone in your building, heard the commotion and called the police." My father says.

"What did they want? Money or something?" Jazz asks.

I shake my head. I wasn't going to tell them the truth. "I don't remember."

Suddenly, the door bursts open and Eden and Caden walk into the door.

"Jussie, are you okay?" Eden says, running over to stand by my bedside. I reach up and hug, holding him tight. Caden speaks to my parents.

"We can talk about it later." I whisper in his ear.

Eden nods his head and continues to hold me.

It was nighttime and my family had left to go back to the hotel they were staying at.

Visiting hours were over but Eden was on shift and he snuck Caden up here so that we all could talk.

"Those bitches jumped you?!" Eden exclaims.

I nod my head, replaying the vents of yesterday in my head.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Caden says, shaking his head.

"Jussie, he lied on you to that girl. If this doesn't make you see that he isn't good for you, then I don't know what will." Eden says to me.

"I know." I say.

It was over between me and Messiah. Completely over.

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