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"Are you sure you'll be okay? We can stay a little longer, if you need us too." My mother says.

I was sitting on my bed and talking to my mother and sister on FaceTime.

"No, I'm fine mama. I'll just order in and wait and see when Eden is coming to see me." I answer back.

"Okay, baby. Please rest." My mom pleads.

"I will mom, I swear." I say. Then we say our goodbyes and hang up.

I had spent almost a week in the hospital recovering. Almost all of my friends and family, that could make it, had come to see me.

"-Go away! He doesn't want to see you! Bye bitch!" I hear Eden yelling from outside our apartment.

"Look, I'm not going to argue with you, I came here to see-" I hear Messiah try to say, but is cut off by Caden.

I immediately stand up and make my way to the door. I open it and see Eden standing a little bit off to the side, and Messiah and Caden standing toe to toe.

"Leave. Now."

"Boy, you better back the fuck up." Messiah says.

"What's good, man?" Caden says, pushing Messiah back into the wall.

Messiah comes forwards quickly and pushes Caden back.

"No, Messiah! Stop, Caden!" I yell, getting in between them.

"Who the fuck is this nigga, Jussie?" Messiah says.

"You need to leave. I don't know why you're here, but you need to go. I have nothing to say to you." I say.

"Jussie, I can explain everything. It's not-" Messiah says.

"Didn't  he just say 'bye'?" Eden cuts in.

Messiah cuts his eyes at Eden, but ignores him.

"Look, bro, I'm not going to tell you again to leave." Caden says.

Caden moved me to the side and stood in front of Messiah again.

"Look man, I ain't got no beef with you. But if you wanna make it a problem...." Messiah says, lifting up his shirt, showing off the gun he had tucked in his pants.

"Messiah!" I say.

"What you wanna do with that, man?" Caden says, not backing down.

"No! Leave, Caden! Take Eden and go!" I say, moving in between them, once more.

"No, we're not leaving you! Tell him to get his bitch ass out!" Eden yells.

"Go! I'll call you, later, I promise." I say to Eden.

Eden looks like he wants to say more but once he sees the look on my face, he grabs Caden and walks down the hallway to the elevator.

"You fucking him or some shit?" Messiah asks, looking at me.

"I don't want you here. Please leave." I say, before turning around and going into my apartment.

"Jussie, let me talk to you, real quick." Messiah says, trying to go into my apartment.

"Stop. Leave, Messiah. We're done." I say.

"No, we're not, Jussie."

I try to close the door but Messiah puts his foot in the door.

"I'm so sorry, Jussie." Messiah says.

"They could have killed me, Messiah. All because of you." I say.

"I know. And I'm sorry."

"All because you're too much of a coward to own up to who you really are." I say. "I'm done with you."

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