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"Ssh, it's okay, don't shed any tears for him." Eden say cradling my head.

We were at his apartment, because I didn't want to be on my own. It's been a two weeks since I've seen or heard from Messiah. After he left the condo that day, he hasn't called or come by to see me. He would be mad if I went over to his apartment without calling first but he wouldn't answer the phone for me.


"Is that them again?" Eden asks me. I press the end call button and the screen goes back to my wallpaper.

I nod my head. Someone had been playing over my phone for the past couple of weeks. They would call and just breathe over the phone. I'll block the private number but a different number will call back and do the same thing. I didn't know who was doing it, but I was thinking about getting my phone number changed.

"What do I do, Eden?" I ask. "He won't answer any of my phone calls."

"What is it about him, Jussie?" Eden asks, not answering my question.

"Huh?" I say, leaning up to look at him.

"What is it about him that makes you like this?" Eden asks me. "I mean he's fine, he has money but he kinda treats you like shit, Jussie."

I shake my head at Eden. "No, he doesn't. He's just in a bad spot, right now."

Eden scrunches his eyes at me and shakes his head. "He hides you away, cheats on you and you still defend him?"

I stand up and grab my phone off the couch. We've had this argument before and we ended up not speaking to each other for a few days. I didn't like that and wanted to avoid that this time.

"I'm going to the mall to get some things. I'll call you tomorrow." I say. I bend down and kiss Eden's head and head for the front door.

"Bye, love." Eden calls out to me, before I close the door.


After getting a few things from a couple of different stores, I headed to the food court. As I was waiting in line at the Chick-fil-A, I called Messiah again.

He didn't answer.

I sighed and hung the phone up and ordered my food. When I got my food, I sat down and began to eat.


I look at my iPhone to see a different private number calling me. I press the power button so, the noise is shut off.

When I am finish eating, I gather all my bags and head home.

On the drive home, the same private number calls me again, so I block the number. Tomorrow, I'm just going to go and get my number changed.

When I reach my apartment door, I take out my keys and insert them into the lock. As I push open the door, I am suddenly pushed from behind into my apartment. I land on my face and someone holds me down, pushing my face into my carpet.

"Close the door, quick!" Someone yells. I hear my front door close and the lock.

My stomach starts to turn and began pushing on whoever was holding me down.

What the hell is going on? I began to panic and struggle.

"Hold him the fuck down." Another voice yells.

A woman, but I know that voice.

I am turned over onto my back and my hauled up so I am on my feet.

"Well, well, well." Zen says stepping into my view.

I look around the room and see 2 other girls, plus the two holding me, standing in my living room. They all have on all black and are wearing black Timberlands.

"Don't look scared now, bitch! You wasn't scared when you was blackmailing my nigga into having sex with yo' ugly ass!" Zen yells, stepping up to my face.

I look at her, confused. Is that what Messiah says happened?

"Look, I don't know what Messiah told you but-"

I was cut off my Zen punching me in the face. She had on brass knuckles and I could literally hear and feel my nose break.

I let out a sob from the pain and the two girls holding kept me upright.

"Shut the fuck up!" Zen yells.

I start to wiggle to try and get away from the girls holding me but they had a tight grip.

"Put him down" Zen orders and the girls drops me onto the floor.

Then, I felt another fist connect to my head and then multiple fists. I didn't know what to do so I cover my face with my hands and try to protect myself.

They began to stomp on me and kick me everywhere. I felt someone yanking my hair and a searing pain when the hair was ripped from my skull.

I screamed out and a boot connected with my mouth, when I did.

Finally, the beating stopped.

"If you ever come near him again, I'll do worse, hoe." Zen promises in my ear, then spit on me.

Next, thing I hear is my front door open and close again.

I feel real dizzy and I begin to shake and foam at the mouth, then the shaking gets really bad. Then the shaking stops and I lose consciousness.

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