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"Just let me talk to you."

"Messiah, I want you to get out. Right now." I say, pointing towards the door.

"Baby, please." Messiah says. I immediately turn away from him and look elsewhere.

"Messiah, I don't wanna do this anymore. I'm tired. Of all of it." I say.

"Can I just talk to you for a second? Please just let me explain." Messiah takes my hand and leads me over to the couch. And I let him.

"What, Messiah? What do you want?" I sigh.

"I need you."

I look at him and scoff. Was this dude serious?

"Good-bye, Messiah." I say, getting up and walking to the front door.

"When the fuck did you become so heartless?!" Messiah yells.

I could tell the was getting frustrated. Usually, all the had to do was mutter a few sweet nothings in my ear and I would do whatever he wanted.

But things were different now.

"If i have to say it again, I'll call the police." I promise, opening the door.

Instead of walking to the front door, Messiah walks to the back of the apartment.


I trail him, following him to the bedroom.

Messiah takes off his shoes and shirt and jumps into the bed. He gets under the covers and looks at me.

"Messiah, this isn't funny. Get up and get out." I say.

"I'll leave when you tell me who that nigga was I saw you with."

"None of you're fucking business."

"He 'll be dead by tomorrow. And that's a fact." Messiah says, pulling his pants off and throwing them on the floor.

I immediately crawl onto the bed. "Leave him alone, Messiah. I mean it."

"You fucked him?"

I open my mouth to lie and say no but nothing comes out.

"Fucking dead man walking." Messiah says, shaking his head and chuckling to himself.

I know Messiah. I know how the works and how the operates. I wasn't stupid or blind. His father is grooming him to take over the family business and Messiah was apart of the whole operation. He could have Jace killed and he wouldn't even have to lift a finger.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" I say, climbing onto his lap. "I'm ready to be happy, Messiah. I really am."

"I wanna be the one to make you happy. I know I can." Messiah says, reaching up to caress my face.

Staring into his brown eyes, I sigh. "And I wanted you to be that person."

We stare into each other's eyes, reminiscing about the good times we had together.

Before I knew it, our lips were connecting.

Then, my clothes were off.

Soon, we were connected in the most intimate of ways. It seemed like we had been apart for years and could only reconnect for this one night. It was desperate, needy and sweaty.

After we both climaxed, we both laid there trying to think of what comes next.

When neither of us could find the words , we soon fell asleep.



"Jussie, wake up."

I open my eyes to see Messiah, looking down at me.

"Yeah?" I say, trying to be fully awake.

"I wanted to tell you something. I was going to tell you last night but we got occupied."
Messiah says, reaching his hand behind him to scratch his neck.

I look at him, for him to continue.

"I got a lot of money saved up. And I was thinking about leaving California. I can't be who I wanna be under my dad's thumb."

"And I want you to come with me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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