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Lexie walked into the hospital with Mark by her side, their hands intertwined together. Lexie's baby bump was visible, and people were constantly congratulating the couple.

Lexie was glad to be having a baby with Mark. She believed that Mark was her soulmate. The two still didn't know the gender, due to Mark wanting to keep it a surprise, but Lexie told him that she planned on finding out today.

Lexie smiled at Mark and walked in a different direction, heading towards the elevator. Lexie knew Mark was going to get his morning coffee, and wished she could get some.

"It's not good for the baby." She remembered, frowning. Lexie headed up to get an ultrasound.

"Hey, do you have a moment? I want to see the baby." Lexie said to one of the doctors.
"Of course. Grey, right?" The blonde girl replied. "Lexie." Lexie said, smiling.
"Ansley." The doctor answered, smiling back at Lexie.

During the ultrasound, Lexie discovered some big news.

"Uh.. that looks like.." Ansley said.
"What? What is it?" Lexie asked, instantly growing worried. "Twins. Two girls." Ansley answered. Lexie's jaw dropped.

"They must have missed that." Lexie said, still shocked. "Congratulations!" Ansley said, wiping the ultrasound gel off of Lexie's belly.

Lexie hurried out of the room and paged Mark, excited to tell him the news. She climbed into the elevator and went up a floor and walked out, to Mark standing there.

"I found out the gender." Lexie blurted out.
"What's the gender?" Mark asked, smiling.
"Twins," Lexie said quickly. "uh, two girls."

Mark smiled and pulled Lexie in for a big hug. Lexie laughed, and smiled.

"Sorry I didn't tell you I was going to find out the gender." Lexie said.
"Lex," Mark began. "It's fine. I was wanting to know too."
"What are we naming them?" asked Lexie as she sat down on a wooden stool. She put down the pen and notepad on the island and turned towards Mark.

"Something exotic!" Mark exclaimed with a laugh.

"How about Alaska and Cassandra?" Lexie asked, picking up the blue pen.

"Alaska, like the state?" Mark asked.

"No, like the province," the brunette said sarcastically.

"Whatever, I like it." Mark said with a grin plastered on his face.

hi here's a little filler

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