Chapter 9

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He felt oddly warm, something he wasn't used to when he woke up. Yet, Zeref didn't complain and preferred to snuggle further into the warmth, a smile reaching his lips. For the first time in his life, he didn't want to get out of bed but something in the back of his mind urged him awake.

Instead of the blue sapphire ceiling he always awoke to, the dripping ceiling of seaweed stared down at him.

No wonder, Zeref thought. The rain that had accumulated in the ceiling, dripping coincidently over his body, keeping his skin wet and not allowing him to become a dry husk. He turned, his gaze falling on Dimitri who's blue eyes were hidden behind closed lids.

For a few moments, he watched the sleeping human with curiosity. The way his full lips were parted, the sharp jaw that clenched during his sleep. Zeref let his eyes trailed down, fastening on the dark bruise on his neck, followed by a couple more.

Hickeys, Zeref thought, How did they get there? He frowned and shifted, only to be assaulted by pain at his hips. He groaned and laid back. Why was he in pain? He didn't remember doing anything strenuous the day before. Just a simple picnic he had with Dimitri. Perhaps he had remained on two legs for too long? He sat up, glancing down at his waist, wondering why they were sore.

By gods, what have I done? Zeref thought. Bruises littered his hips, the bruising marks of hands enveloping his narrow waist, the tell tale sign of ejaculation barely visible against his stomach.

"No!" Zeref cried out in fear, waking Dimitri from his slumber.

"What?" Dimitri mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes as he sat up.

Zeref trembled, the drops of water sliding down his skin as he wrapped his arms around himself, "What have a done?"


Zeref was crying. It was a sound that made Dimitri's heart twist painfully inside his chest, pulling him out of his sleep. The setting sun illuminated Zeref's trembling form, the silvery tears streaming down his pale cheeks, glowing blue eyes dark with sorrow.

Dimitri frowned and slowly approached the trembling male, "Zeref?" He spoke softly, his fingers gingerly touching Zeref's tattooed shoulder.

"Leave me alone!" Zeref snarled, shoving Dimitri against the sand as his calloused hands wrapped around his throat, but not tight enough to cut his oxygen supply, "How could you do this to me?"

Dimitri blinked through his shock daze. What did he mean? Was he talking about their drunken lovemaking? Zeref had initiated the act and Dimitri had merely consented without much struggle. But why was Zeref angry? His eyes meet the blue orbs, fear marring the sapphire gems.

Oh, Dimtiri thought, was Zeref realizing that he was a homosexual?

"I don't understand," Dimitri said, his vocals moving against the slight pressure against his neck.

Zeref snorted and let his neck go, "Of course not. You're human. Fickle creatures that never truly understand anything and merely look at the surface."

Dimitri rubbed his neck, his brows furrowing in concern as he watched Zeref accumulate the water from the dripping roof in his cupped hands and spasm it against his face, "Then make me," Dimitri said as he sat up, resting an elbow against his bent knee.

He watched Zeref slump in defeat as ran his hand through his dark hair, the royal stance he once carried now gone, the burden on Zeref's shoulders now visible, "How much do you know about me?"

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