Shocking Announcement

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      Foxfire's halls were busy usual as Sophie Foster pushed her way through her way to the regular morning orientation. 

     Magnate Leto's voice was loud but it seemed even louder as he boomed the words that nearly made her jump. "Next week Foxfire will be having a ball in honor of our heroes defeating the Elvin world from the treacherous Neverseen!" Wow, didn't see that coming.  she thought.  "May I please have the following come to the front. Dexter Dizznee!" Agitated murmers rippled through the crowd. "Keefe Sencen! Biana Vacker!" Squeals of delight and pleasure from girls and boys made Sophie raise an eyebrow.  "Fitzroy Vacker!" More squeals.  "And finally, this young girl has saved the world many times before.  A Telepath, Polyglot, Inflictor and Teleporter, please present the Sophie Elizabeth Foster!" Few of the girls were smiling, some boys were grinning, and everybody on the stage wore welcoming beams for her.

     Sophie got up from her seat in the very back and got up on the stage and stood next to Fitz.  Magnate Leto continued. "I have called you up because I want all five of you to host the ball." The words nearly knocked everybody a step. Somebody cried from the crowd, "B-but Dex is the son of a bad match!" Magnate Leto balled up his fists. "None of that nonsense is allowed in this school." His tone was scarily calm.

      She couldn't help it, "Excuse me?" Magnate Leto turned to face her.  "Yes my dear?" "Why is it that we have to host the ball?" His eyebrows shot up fast at the question and he laughed.  He laughed! Sophie felt her face turn red.  "Simple. You people are the heroes of are world. It's your honor. "

     "Thank you sir."

     "No need Miss Foster."

     "Now the parts." Sophie's face reflected pure horror and she had to stop herself from screeching, "PARTS?!" good thing Biana asked, "What parts?" in her innocent manner.  "Ah, the parts." Magnate Leto replied.

     "In each ball, we have 5 of the best students in Foxfire to handle and situate the ball, since the mentors and I will have a meeting about the upcoming events. Biana, if any of the girls need help with clothing and any others I will have you assist them, since I know you are quite the one on appearances." Biana beamed.  "Keefe, Fitz, you'll have to help the boys. You'll also have to help Dex get ready with the ballroom. Dex, you can hire your own team of Technopaths to help you." The boys nodded their heads in reply.  "And Sophie, I'll have you monitor the areas after school. I understand if you need to help Lord and Lady Ruewen in Havenfield, but try your best." Sophie nodded.

     "And lastly," Magnate Leto announced, "Don't forget that midterms are next week! Please all girls and boys, try your best!"

     Everybody filed out of the auditorium and to their studies. Sophie scanned her schedule when she bumped into Keefe. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry! Oh. It's only you, Keefe." He winked. "Expect a special someone to ask you out to the ball." she blushed and hurried away to Elementalism with Lady Veda. 

     The day passed in a blur and before she headed to the Leapmaster, she hailed Grady, asking if she needed any help with the beastly Verminion or any of the other animals.  He asked why but she hung up before he could inquire on anything.

    She headed to Biana first and she was amazed to see how many girls were in line.  Biana was sweating and some strands of her hair were caked with bold red lipstick.  Apparently she was helping the girls find the right look but the girls were to picky so the excused Biana and went home.  "Do you need help?" Sophie called.  "Um... well the girls over there," she gestured to the left. "Need help with clothing.  You can go ahead and take notes on what their dress should look like.  Then give them the paper so they can get home and choose their dress." she nodded. "Okay." then she scurried off.

     The first face she saw was slightly familiar.  She recognized the aqua eyes and chestnut brown hair with a scowl on her face.  "Maruca." the words just left her lips unknowingly and Sophie felt her eyes go wide.  Maruca nodded. "It's me." her words felt light but her scowl was still there. 

     Sophie sat down in her seat and began to take notes.  It took hours before she could finally make it home.  Biana looked exhausted as well.  Her face soaked with sweat.  Sophie herself had to wipe a few beads off her brow (:3 haha just from taking notes.)

     When Sophie got home she collapsed on the sofa and groaned so loud she was pretty sure that the whole Elvin world heard it.

     Edaline came over from drying her hands, her amber curls bouncing on her back.  "What is it?" There's a school ball coming up and everybody's rushing around like it's their life. Need I remind you that the ball is in a month?!" Edaline flinched.  Sophie looked away.  "Sorry." she whispered. 

     Grady poked his head out from Havenfield's spiral staircase.  "Did someone just say 'school ball?'" Sophie sighed.  It was going to be a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.

A.N: Okay guys! This is officially my third fanfic! So please comment or whatever to show your appreciation. I do so love participation!

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