The Most Annoying Idea On Earth (Or the Lost Cities) Part 2

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     "Atlantis!" Biana shouted.  Sophie braced for the worst as their dreaded trip began. 

     .   .   .   .   .  

     When they landed in Atlantis, Marella inquired, "So...where are we supposed to go first?" Biana - jumping of the balls of her feet - absentmindedly said, "Eh, let's go to my favorite dress shop for us two," she gestured at her and Marella.  "We can go to a simpler store for Sophie.  Then, we can go check out some shoes at my favorite shoe shop."

     Sophie was okay with the idea.  Hopefully that shoe shop has some shoes that I like.  She thought in hope. 

     Marching, marching, marching.  To Biana's favorite dressing shop.  Sophie hoped that choosing their dresses would be kinda quick. 

     How wrong she was. 

     Biana and Marella both had different tastes so... Biana came out wearing a long  blue spaghetti strapped dress with frills and sparkles and Miss Gossipy Girl came out sporting a knee-length sparkly pink skirt and lacy brown top, she was kind of confused. 

     That took 30 minutes.

    .  .  .  .  . 

    When they set foot in the other dress shop.  Sophie felt a rush of relief.  Most of the store was sparkle and frill clean.  However, Biana insisted on her wearing red.  So you can imagine how it went from there. 

     After trying on like a gazillion dresses, Marella and Biana finally found the 'perfect' one.  Sophie now - with her noodle arms and legs - had to try on this dress. 

     When she came out, she couldn't help admitting that she was quite pleased with their choice.  She was pleased that she would be wearing a ankle length red dress with lacy long sleeves that was sparkle+frill-free. 

     After purchasing her dress, they went to the shoe shop.  As soon as they wet foot inside, Sophie inwardly screamed.  The majority of the place was filled with sparkly and frilly shoes (how is that even possible?) while a small corner with not much better shoes (At least they didn't have any sparkles or frills). 

     30 minutes as usual for the two fashionistas to choose what they were going to wear. 

      Marella had better taste as she chose a slightly beaded black pair while Biana had a pair of pure white shoes with little frilly 'skirts.'

     Now it was her turn. 

     She prayed that she would get a good pair of shoes. 

     Her wish came true.  Sort of. 

     After purchasing the jeweled red shortish heels (she wasn't to happy about that), she remembered, "Midterms! I need to get them done."

A.N: Sorry that ended so upbruptly.  But I'm trying my best to get everything done!

Quiz: What's the name of the Neverseen's only telepath?


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