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      Foxfire was unrecognizable as Sophie set foot on campus. Bright Orange and Blue streamers flew in the wind and trees shook, having the Autumn leaves drift to the ground.

      Conveniently, the sun rose up behind the buildings having a dramatic effect with the lighting. It was...blinding Sophie's eyes.

      Sophie saw Biana talking with Marella. She assumed they were chatting away about clothes, girly stuff, the ball, make up, sparkles, etc. Quite expectable as it was still a couple days until it the ball. 

      She made their way over to them.

      Marella was the first one to speak. "Hey Sophie! Did you hear the latest gossip?  Keefe put a reekrod in the principal's office again!  Except this time it's Magnate Leto instead of Dame Alina."

     Sophie didn't seem very surprised.  After all, Keefe had done much worse before. 

     "Hey, Sophie.  You look a little green..." Biana stated slowly.  "Are you okay?" 

     "Eh, just stayed up a little bit worrying about midterms."  Well, speak of the devil, there was the intricate chimes of the Foxfire bell, the least of Sophie's worries. 

      Her first class was Elementalism where she had to try to bottle a bunch of things perfectly which obviously did not go as well as Sophie planned.  Then it was Elvin history, the classic test and whatnot, her photographic memory helping her remember the rather unsettling diagrams about elves helping humans.  Then Sophie went on to Inflicting.  The regular inflicting on Bronte was a lot easier as she was really nervous.  Linguistics was a total fail as the midterms session was built around mimicking.  Poor, poor, Sophie. 

*    *     *     *     *    

     An exhausted Sophie slumped in her seat.  She had just finished opening the last midterm gift she received and was currently waiting for Grady and Edaline to come and deliver the news of whether she passed most of her classes. 

    Despite being exhausted, just thinking about the midterms made her nauseous, jittery and nervous.  Before she left, Biana offered to get Sophie a trash can....just in case.  She happily took up Biana's offer. 

     Sophie felt like dozing off but she couldn't.  Suddenly, the cafeteria doors flew wide open and a stream of parents rushed in, looking for their child(ren).  She caught Grady and Edaline's eye after searching for them for a couple of minutes. 

     After a few moments of surfing through the crowd, the trio met up with each other. 

     "You passed!!" Grady exclaimed.  "Although quite expected." Edaline added, smiling. And after a few exchanges of "I knew you could do it!" and "Keefe is going to give me a big 'I told you so' tomorrow...." they walked home together. 

     As a family. 

A.N: It's usually quite rare for me to write like this.  Some of you might say you see no difference at all while the rather observant ones may say...."Ah, why did you change your writing style all of a sudden?"  I didn't.  I'm just doing it this once. 

Word Count: 511 words

Quiz: Why does Sophie usually look at Fitz's nose or chin?


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