Studying For Midterms

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      With midterms coming the next week, people were studying like crazy.  Since people usually studied in the Level One library (where all the reference books were), Sophie decided to lock herself in the Level Eight library (the old books in all of its glory), with Lady Cadence's difficult permission. 

     With Grady demanding help in the pastures of Havenfield and Magnate Leto assigning her to tutor Biana and Keefe; it was hard to find her own time to study.  Especially with Keefe and his fans, they would stalk him and give her a laser-worthy death glare whenever Sophie would glance at them. 

     They all often studied at Everglen, where Biana, Keefe, Fitz and Sophie would often take breaks with games of Base Quest, Make Foster Blush, Truth or Dare, etc.  They would also help themselves to fillings of Mallowmelt and Custard Bursts due to the magnificent recipe of Edaline Ruewen. 

    Once upon a time (well, this is actually true so scratch that), a girl named Sophie Elizabeth Foster finally found time to study for her midterms. 

     After locking herself in the Level Eight library, she would review questions over and over again, non-stop (X_X) until Grady hailed her and screamed at her for being at school so late.  It was remarkable how she didn't lose any weight. 

     It was then, on that faithful day, the day before midterms, the one and only Sophie Elizabeth Foster thought the four words, I'm going to fail. 

     How wrong she was. 

A.N:  Yup.  I know, updating has been really slow but I'm going to keep it up with my pitiful goal in April. 

Quiz:  What are the names of the Vacker family (present in this book)?


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