The Dance of Solace and Love

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Pretty soon after the first dance, more and more couples started filling the space on the wide dance floor. The girls who wore taller heels made clacking noises that were actually pretty annoying wherever they went.

After the first few dances, Sophie and Fitz were already exhausted. They sat to the side on the staircase and always scootched to one side for the late-comers to past through. While Keefe and Biana were always giving each other dreamy-eyed looks or occasional pecks on the lips or Keefe's unexpected twirls and dips and Biana's unexpected yelp right after, Sophie and Fitz fangirled/fanboyed at what was happening in front of their very eyes.

"Oh they are just so cute together!" she gushed. Which was very uncharacteristic for her.

Fitz raised an eyebrow but grinned. "You sound like Biana. And yes, I know right?" he mimicked her voice almost perfectly. "Oh, they are just so cute together!"

"Gushing does not suit you, Fitz." Sophie commented, giggling.

He nodded, chuckling as well. "I'll go get some drinks, so you can just wait right here. Oh, and if Keefe does anything weird or cute to my sister, you can either scream at him or fangirl for me."

Too busy giggling, Sophie merely nodded. A smile plastered to her glossed lips, Sophie instinctively swayed to one of Lady Song's composition started playing (reference to Nightfall).
It was too beautiful. The music was slow so everybody who was still on the dance floor was dancing at the exact same tempo.

Though Sophie was no big fan of Lady Song's treatment to her son and daughter (who were also on the dance floor partnered with each other, though that sounds weird) she was a big fan of her music which was often sweet and melancholy.

This one, in particular, was very nostalgic. Reminded of the days when Amy and Sophie would play together, cuddling with Marty, she choked back a sob. Those were the good ol' happy days. Before Sophie's telepathy was triggered. Before she was isolated from the world. Before.....he had found her.

Unable to hold it back anymore. Sophie let a few stubborn tears smudge a few minuscule mistakes in her mascara. They slipped down her cheek, curving to her chin where they fell on her hands. The prickly salt sensation made her tremble slightly for only a second before she laid her head in her hands. Waiting for the tears to stop.

When Fitz came back, he immediately noticed that his lover's head was in her arms. He immediately dropped down the bottles of lushberry juice next to the staircase and scooted over to Sophie.

Sophie continued crying.

It was an awkward moment. Sophie was sobbing her heart out quietly on her favorite crying shoulder while Fitz, unable to properly comfort her, was uncomfortably patting her on the back a bit and mumbling words of solace.

"Hey, Sophie? What's wrong? Are you okay?" When he realized that no matter what, they were going to be okay, Fitz started saying some more consoling things. "C'mon Sophie, stop crying. Everything's going to be okay."

After a minute of awkwardness, Sophie smeared her tears away on the back of her hand. Fitz was right. Everything would be okay. Her human family was alive and healthy, everything would be okay.

After Sophie finished controlling her breathing, she jumped up, surprising Fitz. She didn't care if her makeup was smeared. Or, if she looked like a crying mess. "C'mon, let's dance!" Which was another uncharacteristic thought for her.

Yet Fitz grinned and jumped up too, quickly following her.

So in the end, Sophie danced her worries away. Everything would be alright. And Sophie took the steps to the next stage in her love life.

Step by step.


A.N: And that is the end of the story. You can go ahead and leave me be (I am legitimately crying right now because I cry at everything...). But wait! Don't go! There'll be an epilogue that will officially be the last chapter! So until then, my fellow Sophitz shippers, bye!

Word Count: 690 words

Quiz: No quiz, I'm too happy right now.


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