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A.N: This epilogue will be insanely short and not well written. You guys have been warned.....*cue the Lorax aura*

It was the day after the ball. And Sophie had slept in her clothes. She hand been so tired the night before, she completely forgot about changing. Well that sounds a bit pathetic when you put it that way.

So Sophie changed into her comfortable gray tunic and leggings, she had some breakfast. Of course, since Sophie had hit the bed before talking to anybody, Edaline and Grady wanted to hear about what happened at the dance.

So of course they asked. It was during a breakfast of scrumptious custard bursts did Edaline ask, "Soooo, Sophie? How did things go at the ball?" her voice was slightly cautious. For all she knew, Sophie could've had a terrible time.

Grady's ears perked up. "Hmm, did I hear ball? I want to hear about how things went too, Sophie. You better not have danced too many dances with That Boy and-" he stopped when Edaline subsequently smacked his arm.

Sophie shrugged and slouched back into her seat. "It was fine, I guess. Nothing happened. And I didn't dance a single dance with Keefe, by the way." Obviously she didn't tell them about how she felt so nostalgic during Lady Song's composition that she started crying. Edaline and Grady would get worried and start awkwardly comforting her. And Sophie didn't want that to happen.

"Hmm, you sure that nothing happened?" Edaline pressed, her eyes were slightly narrowed in suspicion but her voice remained light.

Sophie gulped quietly and nodded her head.

Grady and Edaline both stared her down quickly before they dismissed her from the dinner table.

Well, that was kind of awkward.

Sophie flopped down on her bed as soon as she got up stairs. She had gotten home late and woke up early, so it was inevitable that she was at least a tad bit tired. So she found her eyelids feeling heavier and heavier, and soon her breathing became rhythmic and Sophie found herself asleep in a dreamless slumber.

Unfortunately, this "dreamless slumber" lasted for only about five seconds before her Imparter buzzed.

Sophie pushed the button that allowed her to activate any hails and Biana's face filled the screen. Like all the other times Biana had hailed Sophie early in the morning, she looked groggy. There were bags under eyes, she looked ghostly pale, her hair stood up and there was a disgusting looking dried blob of drool under her bottom lip.

"Morning, Biana," Sophie greeted.

"Hey, Sophie," Biana greeted in return. "I just wanted to call and ask about the ball. How'd it go for you?"

Sophie sighed. She knew that sooner or later this would happen. Well, best to get it over with. So she told Biana about what happened during the ball, also conveniently avoiding the part about crying on Fitz's shoulder. Not only would she be comforting Sophie awkwardly, Biana would have a field day about it. And that wasn't good.

"So....um, yeah. That's what happened." Sophie finished lamely.

Biana frowned. "Seriously, you think I'm going to believe that's all that really happened? Elaborate, Sophie Foster!"

Sophie's brow furrowed. "That's all that happened. There wasn't anything else."

Biana deflated. "Really? That's all-" she paused and muttered something incoherent that Sophie couldn't hear. "By the way," she started. "Fitz told me he's coming over so you might want to brace yourself. He should over there right NOW! Bye!" her face dissolved on th screen.

"Huh?" Sophie barely took in any of that information. "What?"

And just then, the doorbell rang.



A.N: Hey, guys, I'm sorry for making this really short. But yeah, that's all I could think of. At least I officially finished this story before 2018....XD. And yeah, that's all that's going to happen for now. I'm going to TRY (<-----key word: TRY) to create another fanfiction or any piece of writing for that matter ASAP. SO YEAH. LET ME TRY AND THINK OF SOMETHING. And now I need to go change the setting for this story....Bye!

Happy New Years!

Word Count: 712 words

Quiz: No quiz because I just officially finished a story (and because I'm too lazy XD).


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