Getting Ready for the Ball

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As Sophie fingered the lace of her sleeves, she heard a knock at the door. Opening it, she saw Biana standing there with a small bag in her hands. Sophie already knew Biana too well to know that there would be all sorts of hair-curling elixirs in there.

(If you want to be reminded of Biana and Sophie's dresses, go to the chapter called, "The Most Annoying Idea on Earth {or the Lost Cities} Part 2.")

Biana started brushing her hair with the silver comb on her desk. They had pulled a chair over to Sophie's mirror so they could see things and Sophie wouldn't have her legs fall asleep.

"So," Biana started. "How do you want to have hair done?" Sophie shrugged. "I don't mind. As long as it isn't disgustingly fancy..." (Biana glared at her as she said the last part.) So Biana pulled the sides of Sophie's hair and twisted them together to create a thick braid. Sophie was then [forced] to down a hair-curling elixir. The elixir was probably one of the most interesting things Sophie had ever seen. Depending on the way the light hit the vial, the color of the elixir would shift. So one moment if would be purple. The next it would be blue.

After Sophie drank the elixir, a tingling sensation overcame her. As she twisted her head this way and that, in the mirror she could see the curls starting to form. They were very soft and natural looking curls. Unlike Biana's, whose hair was very curly.

Biana then gathered the rest of Sophie's golden hair and twisted it into an elaborate 'do that rested at the base of her neck. Grabbing a bunch of bobby pins from Sophie's drawer, Biana stuck them in Sophie's hair here and there to prevent the 'do from unraveling. Then she grabbed something from her bag. It was one of the frilliest and pearliest hairpieces Sophie had ever seen. "For this night only, it will be yours." Biana said in a commanding tone that made Sophie seal her lips from any protest.

Sophie then dug the teeth of the hairpiece into the back of her head. She turned around to see Biana holding a tiny bouquet that consisted of sprigs of rosemary and myrtle. An aura of command and control radiated from her as she attached the bouquet to Sophie's bun that made Sophie, again, seal her lips from any protest.

"You smell of sweat." Biana complained. "The rosemary and myrtle should help."

"Umm...Biana? We are doing little to no makeup at all, right?"

"What makes you think that?"

Biana shut Sophie up.

Biana [forced] told Sophie to tip her head back so she could get rid of all the extra greasiness on her face ("I DON'T HAVE ANY EXTRA GREASINESS ON MY FACE!"). Then, Biana did something else to her face. Sophie didn't know and she didn't want to know.

Sophie felt something cool and bristly touch her eyelashes and eyelids and figured that Biana was putting on mascara and eyeliner. She mentally face palmed and the thought of her having little to no makeup went to the trash bin.

She was sitting up straight again and opened her eyes. Biana was currently outlining her eyebrows and darkening them. Being late to the ball was the only thing that stopped her from screaming. Her eyebrows were perfect enough as they were! Biana then started brushing Sophie's cheeks with blush (cue the venom and disgust).

"Hey, Biana, wouldn't I be blushing enough from Fitz?" Of course, she hated to admit it. But if it got her out of this, she was fine. "Oh shush, Sophie. Just relax and marvel at my makeup skills."

Sophie tried not to snort.

A few minutes later, Sophie looked back at her expression, not bothering to hide the horror. What had Biana done? She could hardly recognize herself! Once again going to her hair, Sophie's bangs were magically longer and at least covered some of her darkened eyebrows. Dark eyeliner and mascara outlined her eyes and a soft red eyeshadow accompanied it. Her lips were rouged red, the same shade of red she was wearing on her dress.

"Good Lord, Biana. What have you done?" she muttered under her breath.

Biana on the other hand, was beaming at her own work. Both on Sophie's face and on her own. "Oh, Sophie! You look adorable! Fitz is going to be shocked at how beautiful you look!" Sophie rolled her eyes. "Adorable and beautiful are two very different adjectives." Biana ignored her. "Sophie do I look okay? Did I smudge some of my mascara somewhere?"

Sophie looked at Biana. If she thought her own makeup had been disgusting and thick, then this was a whole new level of heavy.

Thick eyeliner and mascara made Biana's teal eyes appear even darker. Dark blue eye shadow shaded her eyelids and sparkled as she turned her head this way and that. A small blush colored her cheeks and a light pink lipstick was on her lips.

Despite her own thoughts, Sophie blufffed, "You look fine, Biana. I think it's time to go."

Biana's beam couldn't get any wider as they grabbed their capes and pinned them to their dresses using their family crests.

Sophie suddenly realized she was walking around, fully dressed. Barefoot. "Um...Biana? You didn't happen to forget getting the shoes, did you?" Biana widened her eyes. "The thought completely slipped my mind, Sophie. Let me go get them!" Without another word, Biana disappeared out of the room. Sophie figured she was light leaping back to Everglen to retrieve her shoes.

A few minutes later, somebody knocked on the door. "Biana is that you?" Sophie called. The door opened and Edaline's head poked inside. "Actually, it's me." She handed Sophie her shoes. "Biana just came over saying she had to be somewhere and gave me these shoes before she leaped somehwere."

"Biana and Keefe." Sophie grumbled in a way that set her frown on her rogued lips even deeper as she looked at her so-called "shoes." The "shoes" for one, were blasted heels! Second, they were rather sparkly! And third, they had studded flowers at the ends!

Sophie would get her revenge on Biana someday. But at the moment, the best thing to worry about was the time.

A.N: Another update completed! Huzzah and all that cheery stuff....

Word Count: 1,092 words

Quiz: No quiz for today. Just include who you think Sophie's biological parents are.

~Sakura (who will be dressing up as a conductor for Halloween)

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