I'm Sorry Dex

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     Sophie was aware of the staring and glaring girls. The P.E. lesson had made her light and airy and totally energetic but she still was speechless.  She knew that Fitz actually liked her (I wrote that they confessed in The Sleepover), but she still felt fluttery around him. Why do I have to be so...UGH!

    Sophie finally made up her mind and threw her arms around Fitz as she whispered, "Yes." Fitz pumped his fists up in the air and was about to give her a small peck when Keefe happened to stroll by right between them.  "Hello love birds! You have the blessings of the god Keefe!" he exclaimed while blowing kisses at them.  She and Fitz blushed and looked anywhere but each other. 

     After she was asked out she skipped into the girl's locker room and changed into her regular school attire of a white blouse, dark green vest and skirt plus the extra black dorky cape.  Sophie pulled out her ponytail and let her blond hair cascade down her shoulders. She then found her way toward the silver tower for Inflicting.  

     The sunshine was nice at Havenfield unlike the cold wind at Foxfire that whipped her hair into her face. 

     Sophie went inside and changed into her regular black tunic and leggings.  Today was her day to help Grady with Verdi and the Verminion.  She pulled her hair into her regular sloppy bun and jumped into her brown boots.  She was prepared to get flung into the enclosure of glittery alicorn feces!

     Yay I like that! Sophie thought sarcastically.

     Before she could slide open the back door there was a knock at the door.  Sophie zipped to the front door in record time to see Dex's faltering smile.  He was tightening his fingers together and stumbled across his sentence.  "Hey S-Sophie, would y-you like to go to the d-dance with m-me?"

     Just then, she heard a giant roar and splash and Grady's husky voice yell, "SOPHIE IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE IN FIVE SECONDS YOU'RE GROUNDED WITH VERDI AND VERMINION PEDICURE DUTY."  "OKAY." Sophie yelled back trying her best to sound irritated. 

     But in real life she was thinking, Thanks for saving me from that embarrassing answer, Grady.

A.N: Whassup guys? Please comment, like, follow...you know the drill.


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