I'm Sorry Dex Part 2

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     The moment Sophie leaped to Foxfire, she regretted ever waking up.  Dex! she thought.  Aw man, it's going to be a very awkward answer. 

     Sophie desperately tried any method that would get her to her first class. 

    So in entranced with her visions of Dex in a heap on the floor, she nearly bumped into a certain boy with strawberry-blond hair and periwinkle eyes.  Hahaha, she laughed in her head sarcasm dripping with every letter.  Just the person I wanted to see. 

     Sophie acted like she didn't know who Dex was so she mumbled, "I'm sorry.  Good-bye." Then she sprinted straight to her Agriculture session. 

     During study hall, Sophie noticed Dex stealing glances at her and fidgeting.  A lot.  While doing the majority of her homework, she imagined how heartbroken he would be. 

     Stop it, stop it stop it!  You have to focus.  You know you have after school duty today.  And midterms are next week! Outside, she seemed calm and collected while filling the blank spaces from her Elementalism worksheet.  But really, on the inside, she was shrieking her head off. 

     She noticed Marella chewing on her pencil trying to figure out one of the missing stars in her Universe homework.  Dex was doing the same.  A hint of a smile spread on Sophie's face.  She peered over at Marella's worksheet and found out that the missing star was Palabora.  Dex's was Igvorinite. 

     In the Foxfire halls, the only sound other than silence was the sound of rustling papers.  It's good to have some peace and quiet. 

     Once she was done she headed down the silent halls where only footsteps could be heard, to the girl's changing room.  But then she felt a tap to her shoulder.  Knowing she would regret it, she swiveled around anyway.  Best to get this over with.  Sophie thought. 

     Dex went to a far corner and beckoned her over.  "S-so, um...y-your a-a-answer?" she looked away as she felt tears well in her eyes.  "I-I'm so sorry." Sophie felt a stubborn tear slip down her cheek.  "Fitz a-already asked m-me out a few days ago.  And I said yes."

     Sophie forced herself to look over at him.  He was clenching his fists so hard, his knuckles turned white.  "I'm sorry, I know what you're going to say." she whispered, "I am the worst best friend. Ever."

     And as he leaped away Sophie turned to leave. 

A.N: Happy New Year, everybody!


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