Biana's Dream Come True

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      It was any normal day at Foxfire but little did the Keeper gang know that something big was going to happen to the next.

      After school, Biana asked if she could talk to Sophie about something in private. She hailed Grady. And he said yes. So off to Everglen they went where they totally didn't do something called 'light leaping' which defies Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

      When Biana locks the door behind her she collapses on her bed while Sophie fell to her extremely soft carpet. "So," she asked, "What did you want to talk about?" She looked away. "Keefe hasn't asked me out yet." Sophie sighs. "Well, maybe he's nervous."

      "Yeah maybe."

      "Who are you going out with?"


      Biana burst into a fit of giggles. "You know how amazing that is?" Sophie shook her head. "Well every girl in Foxfire, excluding me of course, would die to be in your spot. They're all worshippin' him like a prince fallen from heaven and you, well it just takes you to be you, and that's all it takes for him to fall for you." Sophie hated to admit it but she actually liked the tone Biana was in.

      "Remember Maruca? She was the one who I thought would be my version of Sophie. Back when you first moved to the Lost Cities, I was glaring so hard at you since you were clinging to Fitz like any other girl, when it was actually the other way around. I was just really grumpy since I expected you to come running to me and asking about the things that Fitz liked. Which is why I was a total jerk to you. And I still deeply regret that. Soon, I found out that Maruca was one of those girls who acted in a real good way to earn my trust, just to get Fitz. I didn't confront her or anything but when I discovered you and my dad's requests, I considered it and when I found you a much better friend then Maruca ever was, I well, slowly abandoned her. So further and further we got. Then she became one of Stina's buddies and yeah she spilled all my secrets even when I was a genuine friend and then you ran home crying, you got kidnapped and I just..."

      She began to cry. "I-I'm so sorry." she whispered, "I was just such a jerk and now that I look at it and say it out loud it's... just well... y'know what I mean." Sophie nodded. "I know exactly what you mean." Biana sighed, "I guess I'm just kind of disappointed with Keefe and frustrated with midterms.  It's just all thrown at me and I can't even process it all that well."

     The rest was just Sophie comforting Biana and muttering about how stupid Keefe was. 

     Then the surprise happened.  At lunch the next day. 

     Keefe kneeling before Biana asking, "Will you come to the ball with me?" And we all know what she said. 

A.N: Yup, more muttering about how stupid Keefe is then 'Biana's Dream Come True.' Might as well change the title. 


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