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Cat Valentine is a quirky girl. Even though some people think she's a ditzy, dramatic, cute little red-head, she has true talent. No one takes her seriously-she's just that cute kid who jumps around in Jupiter boots and speaks her mind. But inside her pure heart is true talent, that only the most thoughtful can see.

Her friends-Beck, Tori, Jade, Audrey, and Robbie, are all well-meaning, fun friends. But even they don't see past the craziness that is Cat. Although she gets things wrong, is offended easily, and giggles at inappropriate moments, they still love her. So if anyone hurts her friends, she'd be flying to their defence in no time (and tripping over her words, too...).

Her teacher, Sikowitz, isn't much cop either. Even though he knows when the time is right to comfort Cat with candy, he never seems to give her any parts in plays that she so desperately wants. It's crushing Cat. She doesn't just want to be the quirky, cute girl anymore. She wants to show the world.

Surprisingly, her mean friend Jade understands her best. They've performed duets together-and Jade has been amazed at the red-head's stunning performances. The high pitched squeal of a voice became something... Different. The voice of a true singer.

So, will Cat be stuck in the shadows forever? Or will the time come for her to be...



Dedicated to @ anklebiters_ for the AMAZING cover! And a big shout out to NamesInTheSky for the banner on the side!

These characters are not mine. All trademark and characters mentioned here on are Victorious copyright, nickelodeon.

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