I love Tori Vega.

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Cat stared at her wardrobe irritably. Why, when you had a boyfriend (friendboy?) did everything in your wardrobe become ugly? Ugh. She rifled through a selection of sickening canary yellow dresses (seriously?!) and eventually decided on a pink hoodie, jeans and silver glittery pumps. After straightening her crimson locks as usual, she grabbed her backpack. After saying a quick 'bye' to her parents, she rushed out and ended up outside Robbie's flat.

Now, the main question-should she knock on for him? Should she not? Was she obsessing too much? Was she way too clingy?

As if to answer her question, a loud wolf whistle from her phone brought her back to earth. She opened her inbox, and smiled secretly.

Robbie: I see you! Look up.

She obeyed, and saw Robbie looking out of the window. He stuck his tongue out playfully, before disappearing. Cat's eyebrows furrowed. Where had he-

"Boo!" Robbie shouted, having somehow snuck behind her.

"ROBBIE SHARPIRO!" Cat yelled indignantly, but he'd wisely started running down the road.

"Try and catch me!" He called.

"Oh, I will!" Cat laughed, racing after him. Since Robbie wasn't the most athletic guy she knew, she was at his heels in a heartbeat. Once they'd caught their breath, they stopped messing around.

"What time is it?" Robbie asked as they walked companionably to school.

"Eight forty. If we don't hurry, we're going to be late to class!" Cat told him, as class started at eight forty five. Fortunately, they were only around the corner from school, so they got to Sikowitz's room with a minute to spare. Cat's cheeks flamed as red as her hair, aware that everyone was staring, clearly thinking about her outburst. She walked to her seat as quickly as possible, then tried to act thoroughly absorbed in the lesson. She was soon forgotten, however, when Sikowitz started talking about the play.

...Although some kids moved a little further away, and even Sikowitz was eying her warily.

"Now, this lesson, we will be reading through our scripts. You will have a week to learn your part for homework. Then, we will have three rehearsals each Monday. On the third Wednesday, we will have a dress rehearsal, then on Friday, there will be the main performance. All the school will view this..."

An appreciative murmur ran through the class. It was very unlike Sikowitz to be so... Organized.

"Now," Sikowitz continued, "you're probably wondering why I'm so organised." He paused dramatically before continuing. "We are having several record companies coming over, on the hunt for talent. So, everyone who stood out to them in the play, they will ask to sing after the performance. This is very important!"

The appreciative murmur became fast, excited chatter. Everyone was discussing ways to get the record companies to notice them.

"Hey, Sikowitz? Which record labels are coming?" André asked, and the talking died down. Everyone looked at Sikowitz expectantly, who was smirking triumphantly, clearly pleased he had full attention (for once).

"Labels? As in plural? Oh, no. Only one company is coming." Sikowitz raised his eyebrow, clearly laughing inwardly at how desperate they were to know.

"Who, man, who? Spill the beans," commanded Rex.

"None other than We Be Jammin'," Sikowitz gave a huge grin to the shell shocked class.

"We Be Jammin'?!" Tori shrieked excitedly. "They're, like, the most important record company in the world!"


Cat lay on her bed, eyes closed. She did this a lot. Normally, it was to imagine pretty places with unicorns and ice-cream, but today was different. She was thinking about her past. Slowly, she slipped into a sea of reminiscence, remembering...

"Come on, Luke, get Dave and let's go!" Cat's mum called to her husband.

"C'mon, Dave, my lad," smiled Cat's father, leading him back to their caravan. They were next planning to move it to London, so they could see the sights. Everything was packed, everyone was ready. Cat was playing happily in a nearby field, blowing dandelion puff into the air.

Maybe it was an accident.

Maybe they hadn't meant to leave her. Maybe they'd just forgotten. After all, it had been easy to forget Cat, back then. She'd been quiet, thoughtful, shy. All she knew was, she fell asleep in the meadow. She'd waited in the field upon waking, waited agonisingly long. They eventually remembered her, but it was after dark.

They apologised, over and over. But Cat was caught up in her thoughts, barely paying attention. They'd forgotten her because she was boring, average... She changed that day. Into the loveable, unforgettable, perky little kid she was today. No one would forget her in a hurry...

"Cat!" Her mum called, breaking Cat's train of thought. Her eyelids flickered open. "Jade's here!"

"Jade, come on up!" Cat shouted, sitting up and cuddling Mr Purple, her purple giraffe. Things were better between her and her mum now, but the incident preyed on Cat's mind a lot.

She heard the sound of Jade's heels and looked up as she opened the door.

This. Wasn't. Jade.

Well, it was. But she was a mess. Her eyes were a mess of eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner. It was all over the place, so she'd clearly been rubbing them a lot.

Underneath this miniature rainbow explosion were dark circles and bags, indicating that she was tired. Jade's sleek, almost Goth hair with green highlights here and there was frizzy, like she hadn't dragged a comb through it in days. To top it all, her clothes were a mismatched jumble, nothing going together at all.

"Jade, are you OK?" Cat asked timidly, indicating that she could sit down. Jade walked to Cat's bed and hugged Cat's unicorn to her chest, her lower lip quivering slightly. Cat decided not to protest, and they sat in silence for a while. Then-

"Beck's with Tori," she said softly.

"Already? How do you know?" Cat asked, startled.

"When we broke up, he changed his Relationship Status to Single, right?"

"Right..." Cat didn't like where this was going.

"But he's changed it back to In A Relationship. And look at his last status," Jade screamed furiously, shoving the phone into Cat's face. Cat slowly read it, taking in the words etched in front of her.

'I love Tori Vega.'


"Maybe you should just say sorry to him," suggested Cat weakly.

"I'd rather slam my tongue in a car door," snarled Jade, tossing the unicorn pillow at the wall. Cat made a little shrieking sound with her throat as it hit the wall, then went to pick it up.

"Jade, you can't let pride get in the way. You and Beck were meant for each other!" Cat told her wisely.

"How can you say that? This whole thing is your fault! Your's and stupid, stupid Tori's!" Jade bellowed, snatching Mr Purple out of Cat's arms.

"Jade! Don't be the bad guy! We're best friends!" Cat pleaded, trying in vain to snatch it back.

"Some best friend you turned out to be! Here's what I think of you!" Jade laughed cruelly, before ripping Mr Purple's long neck clean off his shoulders. "Thanks a lot, kitten." She added sarcastically.

Not even bothering to drop his fragments on the floor, Jade marched out of Cat's house, slamming the ivory front door behind her.

She didn't look back.


Dedicated to @YouAreStunning for making my amazing new cover (you like?). You guys should check her out! =)

I don't like how fast this story is going, so the next chapter might be a filler. I don't even know. Nearly four hundred and fifty reads?! I love you all so freakin' much! *huggles*

How do you get italics on this? =/

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