•Love Blossoms Like Flowers•

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[Yuuri Katsuki]

Y/N woke in a near empty bed. She stretched, as a smile of content etched itself on her face.

Another beautiful day. She was to meet her best friend, Yuuri at the park. They were going to explore the cherry blossom park. Only a few days remained to see the blossoms at their peak.

Y/N dressed in a soft pink dress for the occasion, and tied her hair in a loose messy bun.

Buzz. The apartment bell signaled Yuuri's arrival.

She dashed down the stairs, a huge grin on her face.

"Yuuri!" She smiled, as she flung open the door. Y/N threw her arms around the dark-haired boy, as he stumbled back under her weight.

"It's great to see you too, Y/N. I missed you," he smiled, once she had broken the embrace.

"I've missed you too! Finally taking a break from you skating, I see," she teased, prodding his abdomen.

He chuckles nervously, "You could say,"


"Pretty," Y/N breathed, with wide eyes, as she gazed up at the trees.

"They sure are," Yuuri smiled.

"Let's take a picture," the girl said, whipping out her smartphone.


"Eww, I look gross," she commented, about to delete the image.

"No, you actually look nice," mumbled Yuuri.

"Liar," she smirked, swiping through the other snapshots.

"N-no! I'm actually telling the truth!" He stammered, a blush erupting on his face. "I think you're lovely no matter what,"

Y/N stopped scrolling, her thumb hovering over the screen. "W-what?" She stuttered, dumbstruck at the comment.

"I really do," Yuuri said, gazing off into the harbor.


"Goodnight, Y/N! I hope you've had a good time," Yuuri called, as he started down the stairs.

"Yuuri! Wait!" Y/N called out. He paused to turn to her.

"Remember what you said earlier, when we were taking selfies," she started slowly, "Well, it got me thinking...."

Her face started turning a gentle pink.

"I was wondering, i-if you have feelings for me," she choked out, looking down in embarrassment.

Yuuri was taken aback, "I-I, uh," he could hardly form a coherent sentence. Inside, he was secretly thrilled; maybe she even returned those feelings. But, at the same time, he was worried that this was her way of gently rejecting him. It was a bittersweet rage of emotions.

"You don't?" She asked, still not looking up from the floor.

Yuuri took a breath of air, and stated firmly, "No. I do have feelings for you, Y/N. You're lovely and kind and smart and polite, an-"

I'm She cut him off by putting her lips to his. It was a soft, timid kiss. Sweet, and filled with love.

"You have a horrible habit of rambling," she smirked, before capturing his lips once more.


Thank you all for reading, and I hope you've enjoyed!

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