Chapter 4

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Authors note: I kinda know where this is heading. Just trying to wrap my mind around digging into the character of Legolas and Elaine. Thanks for the support! 

Proper introduction and troubled sleep

They settled in the campsite with great relief. Gimli went about roasting a rabbit Loriel managed to swoop up on the flight over. He talk jovially with Legolas. She still had trouble wrapping her mind around such strange friends.

Loriel and Thranduil were sitting side by side Loriel cradling the babe. They were a weird pair as well. A cursed she elf and an Elven king. It wasn't hard to make a guess as to the rank of Thranduil he bleed breathed and let off airs as to being a king.

She noted how hard it would be to hold the child all the time. She started to hum letting the magic.of the earth fill her. She had always had a lot of well she would call it latent magic. Her mother told her that her aunt was an Elven.witch of immense power.

She asked the earth to let buds form and grow. She asked that they shaped themselves in a safe and secure place for the baby to rest. Loriel and Thranduil was shocked to note the cradle being formed of plants. Once they tested it for strength they laid the babe down.

"Thank you. So tell me what is your name?" Loriel asked.

"Elaine my son is Tristan. I uh-know all of your names." she said smiling slightly.

"Well we better sleep tonight and be ready to travel all day tomorrow. Is your son alright?" Loriel asked.

"Yes he just sleeps deeply whenever he hears me sing much like your daughter. What is the little ones name?" she asked

"Avenriel. We call her Aven for short." Legolas answered. she looked to him and he smiled.she hesitantly returned the smile.

Once everyone had eaten a small bite they all laid down. She asked the plants to grow a soft place for her to lay as she hummed once more the song of the earth. She gathered Tristan in her arms and was lulled off to sleep by the sounds of the night.

hands holding her down. heavy body atop of hers. The horrendous tearing of soft flesh. The sounds of pleasure coupled with her cries of.pain. The more she begged him to stop the more he laughed and thrust harder.

"Bitch." "Slut" "Whore"

these words repeated over and over again. Never ending the same as her degradation and humiliation. When finally it was over she felt as she always did. She would never be clean again. She would never be free of him. the stickiness between her legs only added to her turmoiled thoughts.

"You will never be clean of me nasty little whore!"

She woke screaming. Glancing about frightfully. The calm of the night eased her noghtmare. She finally noted the silent figures around the fire. They were all awake only giving her privacy by seeming to be asleep.

They had honor and goodness in them. She was far removed from the company she had kept. These people were as good as gold. Her previous company was water in the garbage ditch.

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