Chapter 7

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Authors note: I am sorry for slow updates. I have been getting ready to head back to school and work.

Roads goes ever on and on

The group traveled on and Elaine opened up to the group more and more. They all managed to keep Tristan occupied. Thranduil had even allowed him to wear his crown at breaks.

Thank goodness elves lived so long or else they wouldn't have anymore stories to keep the lad occupied. Gimli shifted on his horse. Noting the two love birds ahead of him. Elaine and Legolas was slowly buliding a friendship between them. Where it would lead Gimli didn't know.

The lady was sweet once her trust was earned she was a soft as silk inside but as hard as rock outwardly. She saw to the children at times and was a dutiful mother and nursemaid. She would do Legolas good. The lad was too serious at times. To selfless. She hopefully brought out true happiness in the lad


The days continued and the great forest loomed closer and closer. Elaine was being taught Elvish songs by Legolas and Tristan was learning about dwarf culture.

Thranduil and Loriel seemed stressed from the time spent apart. She couldn't ride a horse and he couldn't fly. Though they both seemed at peace when they were beside one another.

Elaine enjoyed seeing such peace between two people. How Loriel dealt with her husbands desires she didn't know. The desires of males only ever brought pain. She would make sure her son was different.

During the nights she and Legolas and Tristan would climb trees and see the stars. Once Tristan even manage to get Gimli up and looking. He beguiled the boy with tales of Erebor and of Thorin Oakenshield. Elaine and Legolas were conversing once more about their lives

Elaine told him of her best memories when her mother was alive. She would be allowed to go to the trees nearby and she would talk for hours on end with them.

"Many elves have gifts of telepathy and beauty of song. Few have precognition like Galadriel. Few have a great knowledge like Elrond or a need to learn. Even fewer are like my father and can connect with the earth." Legolas explained his amazement at her gift evident.

"Your father is like me? He an make things grow? Talk to trees and heal the earth?" she said hurriedly.

"He can talk to trees and sense the state of his forest. His crown speaks of such a connection by changing along with the seasons. He cannot do as you do though. You can make thins grow and heal the earth. That is something extremely rare. Only one other elf have I know to be as powerful" he explained.

"Who is the elf?" she asked.

"Galadriel isn't so much powerful concerning the earth but precognition, vision, and telepathy. Your powers are more elemental and she is more mental." he further explained.

"Ah I see. Well I hope my powerful gifts won't make anyone fear me." she said.

" No that is not a reason to fear you among our kind it is a reason for respect. Perhaps you may be able to help the Greenwood." he smiled and she returned it.


Above then was the odd pair orc a young Ellon and a battle hardnend dwarf staring at the pair.

"I told you Mister Gimli nothing to fear of heights. Didn't I! I promised you wouldn't fall!" the boy half whisper yelled.

"Yes ye did lad. Your a right good boy" he answered as softly.

"I think my mommy likes Mister Legolas. What do you think?" he asked.

"I think Legolas likes your mommy too."

"Lets not tell no one." the young boy said.



So the party continued in a good fashion. Elaine found her niche among these strange companions. Elf royalty with a bad history with dwarfs. Yet they traveled with a dwarf. A cursed elf with bad history between her kind and elves and yet she was married to one.

She was a half Elven woman with a battered past. A single mother. And she felt for the first time in her life at peace. Accepted and perhaps able to make friend's. Her future was ahead of her a the road went on and on beyond the bends and turns. What a bright future it seemed.

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