Chapter 8

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Authors note I am sorry guys. Thank you all for your patience and support it means a lot.

A place of dreams and nightmares

Elaine steadied her nerves as she entered the kings palace. The place where the wood elves dwelled. It was in caverns with beautiful architecture and water could be heard from underground falls.

It was the kind of beauty you had to look for. It was dim in places and nothing as beautiful as what Lothlorìen and Imraldis was. Those places were obviously beautiful; easily seen. This place, it took a momentfor you to see it ; it took a studious glance. Once you found it twas breathtaking.

'A place where my secret dreams may just come true'

Tristan was silent for the entire trip up to their new rooms. The boy was rarely ever silent. She smiled down at him when the door was closed and Legolas's footsteps echoed down the hall.

"Speechless are we?" she asked teasingly.

"Oh mom no teasing. And what do you mean speechless? Of coarse I am. Mister Thranduil's palace is awesome!" He ran and nose dived into the bed.

She thought perhaps he was going to nap when he shot upwards and looked at her. The grin that said he was looking for trouble.

"Moooom can me and Mister Gimli or Legolas go explore? Puh-lease!!!" he asked excitedly.

"After dinner I will see if we can go explore but master Gimli and lord Legolas is tired from the journey. As is your mother young man! Into the bath and then a nap for both of us." she ordered like a cpatain giggling softly when he marched off like a soilder.


Legolas stifled his laughter as he listened to the pairs conversation. He had come back to ask if after dinner they wanted to see where everything was when I stopped to listen to the humourous conversation. The two were opposites of one another.

Elaine was quite and calm; always level headed and grounded. Tristan was talkative, excitable and always dreamy. They canceled each other nicely voiding negative traits and improved upon each others positive traits.

He simply left the door and went to his own rooms. There he sent a note by a servant about his offer and bathed himself. As he sat in the warm pool of water he contemplated Elaine. She had showed her inner softer side a few times when they talked of their childhoods. Other than that it was only infringement of her son she was light hearted.

She confused him and intrigued him. She made him strangely happy just to see her smile. She made him happy by just being at his side. She made him feel things he had banished from his heart. Not since Tauriel had he been intrigued by a female.

His love for the she elf had been in vain. She had not returned his feelin and his father had forbidden it. Remembering such things brought pain to his chest. That aching biting pain always came with the memories. Even so long after they had happend.

He couldn't help but dread another heart break from a woman he loved. He didn't love Elaine but he felt himself drawing closer to it. She was far too beautiful and endearing not to be loved. Though he drowsily realized Taurile and Elaine were nothin alike. The two were opposites in everyway.

Taurile was an idealist and an accomplished warrior. She commanded respect and obedience from her subordinates. She was a tiresome woman.

Elaine was a realist with a broken spirit. She only managed to harden herself to others and numb herself from pain. She gave off an air of calm tranquility. She was a lady he could respect for all she had been through.

"Loo-li loo-li lai-lay. Lay down your head and I'll sing you lullaby. Back to the years of loo-li lai-lai. Bless you with love for the road that you go." That haunting voice echoed through the hall. That voice that could surely have been the very voice of creation.

'who are you truly strange lady. What secrets may you hold? what thugs you do to me' he thought moving to exit the bath and dress for a short sleep.


Screams woke him. He rose from bed and was in the room in moments. He found Elaine twisting and turning on the bed. Her locked in a expression of ultimate helplessness and terror.

He moved without thinking and was waking her in moments. She screeched and backed off the bed from him cornering herself. He moved slowly.

"Mellon it is I Legolas. Banish your demons awaken for me." he said softly.

Her eyes became clear and focused. She looked at him warily before she let tears fall from her eyes and curled herself into ball on the floor. Legolas opened his arms and scooped her up. He placed her onto the bed and covered her up with the bblankets.

"Tis alright you will be alright. Dawn will be here soon Mellon." he murmured.

He rose to leave but a shaky feminine hand stopped him. This stormy grey eyes leaked more tears.

"Please don't leave me." she pleaded quitely as if she feared his answer.

"I will stay as long as you want me to." he sat by her on the bed and thereaded his fingers through the hair at her temple. As his father used to do to calm him.

"Don't let the nightmares get me." she mumbled as she fell into sleep once more.

He began to sing a lullaby he remember led his father singing. He prayed it kept the nightmares at bay. It was sad to see such a radiant and strong lady become so weakened and sad.

'I will see you through this night and many more Mellon. I promise'

He sung and caressed her temple on through the dark early morning. He left as dawn rose hoping a servant wouldn't think the worst. He didn't need such rumors running about ruining the lady's reputation.

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