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Authors note: Legolas isn't the bad guy. In desolation of smaug he was very different than in the lotr trilogy. He has dealt with his demons. As with every story there must be ups and Downs. Elaine is her own worst enemy. Her trauma and torment will ause some emotional problems. She tryi to ajust rigy now to a new job and expectations. Her lack of believing herself worthy is going to create some problems. Not now but soon. And Thranduil for all his changes will still show a streak of over bearing arrogance. No one. changes overnight. Not now but soon. Please let me know if you guys are liking how this is going or not. I'm worried I havent wrote Elaine correctly so far. Don't be mean just let me know constructively if you want. I will try to find some more inspiration and get a story to you tomorrow day or by night no later. You guys are awesome just fyi!  <3

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