Chapter 9

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Author note: sorry for the wait I need to find some inspiration from Legolas. Hopefully soon I can re watch the extended lotr series at blockbuster. So bear with me. thank you all for the support for this story and "Thranduil heartless obsession". You guys are awesome. I feel like this story will cover a larger span of time than Thranduil's story. Elaine needs time to heal and come into her own. Let me know what you guys think Please! Read and hope you all enjoy! <3


Elaine smiled as she rocked the babe to sleep, Tristan was in classes at the moment. Though he was behind in his studies compared to the other elf children, his tutors were happy to see his excited energy toward his studies. She was also glad to be able to ply her own wits toward bettering her own knowledge. Her friends and hosts warned her to keep to herself her more powerful abilities. She would see to the babe after breakfast when Loriel and Thranduil would be taking counsel with nobles and advisors trying to solve certain problems.

Afterward Loriel would return and she would normally have a chance to run errands or explore the palace markets. She often went beyond the stronghold to explore the forest. Though more often than not legolas would be soon at her side. She didn't mind once he had told her that the forest was still dangerous. She would return to the keep with Legolas who often disappeared soon after walking her back and then go see to Tristan and whatever Loriel needed.

He often came to her when nightmares took a hold of her at night. She felt safe when he would rouse her from her half awakened state. He would stay with her and calm her into a deeper more peaceful slumber. She felt the depth of his kindness and empathy. As if her pain could cause him pain. She knew elves had great empathy, his father however seemed to have only recently learned empathy. Due mostly to Loriel she suspected. Legolas learned it from somewhere besides his father long ago.

The routin over the last two weeks was comfortable and easy for not only herself and tristan but also little Aven as well. The babe had taken quite a liking to her and Tristan. Loriel was finally able to begin taking on some of the more harrowing duties of a queen for this race. The acceptance Elaine saw for the cursed elf queen was truly touching. The softness that entered the kings eyes when he gazed at her was heart warming as well.

She remembered many tales of the Elven king of legend. He was never known to be very forgiving or easy tempered. He was haughty and heartless and for an elf that was something rare to see. Though she suspected he had a very good reason for being that way. It was so different to see him now and what she had heard of him before. She was surprised that he had taken up for her as he had. Even a prince like legolas shouldn't have cared about her situation. They had saved her though and it was only once she arrived that she realized how lucky she was.

A sudden movement at the door way to the nursery had her glancing up from her rambling thoughts to see Thranduil standing there in his luxuious robe and crown. He nodded to her, like most other elves his face remained neutral and serene. His expression seemed colder still than other elves. He strode closer and reached for the sleeping babe. She gently placed her charge in his arms and watched as he placed the babe in her bed. He covered the little one to ward off any chill and stroked her cheek lovingly.

"Is lady Loriel busy. Normally she comes to watch over Aven as I run errands." she stood trying to create a conversation to relieve the awkward silence.

"She is conversing with an advisor on the merits of a few more studies she may need. I have not spent much time with my daughter recently, she is precious as is the time i have with her." He said sadly .

"I suspect that perhaps this lesson was hard learned my Lord?" she asked holding her breath hoping he wasn't insulted at her forwardness.

"Yes with Legolas I lost my wife and my father and became a father myself all within a short time for an elf. I was still trying to lead my people as best as I could. I thought that perhaps so long as he survived unto adult hood that affection and tenderness wasn't needed. I was wrong. It is good that he learned these things after he left this realm." he said nodding to her that he was done with the conversation.

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