Chapter 12

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Authors note: So she is basically trapped in her nightmares. Because she hit her head and has a pretty bad concussion and will remain unconscious for a while. Just to help with any confusion. This is a major turning point for the pair. She going to wake up and be like what you would expect for a traumatized and abused victim.

Prison of my own making

Legolas followed the sounds of feminine screams until he was just inside the tree line. There his eyes were filled with a vision that horrified him more than anything else. Elaine laying upon the ground listless and still.

His heart dropped his stomach clenched. Cold swear broke upon his brow icy fingers of fear made there way up his spine. How long had it been since he had felt fear? How long had he felt such helpless decimation.

He rushed to her side steadying his hands to pick her up. He ignored everything else but getting her to the healers. His parents and friends and peers looked on in shock. He paid no heed. His mind was singly focused on his goal.

He rushed her to the healers who bid him to leave. He refused until his father and Loriel halfway pulled and convinced him to leave. Tristan was crying and distraught asking questions.

Every noise seemed to come from a long ways away. Everything echoed. He was lost to his worry and fear. Two things he had thought long dead since the ring wars end. Doubt clouded his mind.

His family stopped asking him questions eventually and let him sit by himself. As he sat there waiting the seconds ticked by like decades and the minuets felt like a century. An hour would surely feel like a millineum.

When at last his patience had reached its limit he rose and stormed to the door of the healing room. His fathers strong arm was all that stopped him.

"They can not do their job if you do not let them. Calm yourself Legolas " his father's voice was hard and warrented no argument.

He meet his father eyes with his own narrowed gaze and opened his mouth to reply. The door opened to reveal a startled healer.

"She is stable now. Her skull is fractured and will take a week to heal nicely. Until then I suggest we give her sleeping herbs." he hurriedly explained while following the heir apparent and king into the room.

"Why would she need to remain asleep that long?" Thranduil asked?

"It will be the most painless and possibly best coarse to avoid infection my Lord."

"Legolas what say you?" his fathers voice filled his head as he gazed at his.  . . friend. It was hard to think of her merely as a friend.

"That seems best. Do what's needed to make her well." he said.


Through the layers of medication she heard the tail end of the conversation. Her heart dropped at the thought of being trapped inside herself for so long.

"No!!" she silently cried.

"Don't leave me here! Not alone with my memories!"

No words left her lips. As the healer administered the herbs she knew that she would be lucky to survive this with her sanity intact. All the nights spent broken and bleeding. All the rapes and degredations. Everything in her soul laid bare before her eyes. She doubted she would survive this.

If she did she would never be the same. . .

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