Chapter 17

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Authors note I really don't leave you guys anticipating what's going to happen next. I myself can't stand to leave charecters like this for very long. Hope you all enjoy. Thanks for the support.

Time only knows. . .

Thranduil sat in his study he was in no mood for anything other than paper work today. Everyone was wary around their king. No one would want to cross him today. They all knew he was worse when his wife was away.

His papers werr all done and nothing more required his attention for today. His palace was cold and lifeless. There was no more joy here for him. He was alone. Truly alone.

A loud banging at he door caused him to jump out of surprise. He called them to enter and found a little form wrestling a large tray toward him.

"Good day Mister King I have a bountiful meal for us. And toucan teach some more tree stuff." he rambled on.

'I had quite forgotten I am not completely alone. The little one is here.'

He boy placed the food on his desk then scuttled up to sit crossed legged atop it. He handed him his plate of food then dug into his own.

"I thank you but I am not very hungry." he excused himself to stand before his book case trying to concentrate hard upon the volumes.

"Your sad that's why you don't eat. My momma does the same thing Mister king." The boy stated matter of factualy.

'This well acts as if he knows me.'

"What would you know if being sad? You are young you know nothin of this world." his frustration broke.

"I do. You dad was mean like my mommas dad was mean. You both are sad because of it. I can't help momma someone else promised to. I can help you Mister King." the boy was incouragable.

He hopped down and narced up to him. If last night hadn't been the worst night of his life he would have smiled.

"You can help me? Please what can a boy teach me?" he challenged.

"Lots of stuff. How to be nice. And how to have fun. You need to learn to open up and smile more. Its only fair I help you cause you helped me and momma so much."

The determination in his eyes was undeniable. He had nothing else to lose. What would it do but distract him from his misery. The boy did need to continue his training as well.

"we will see if you can manage it. I warn you I'm old and once so old its hard to change."

"Well I've always heard its only the young that may change the old."

Thier faces had grown closer as they spoke. Until they were a breath away from each others face. Teal eyes meet frosted blue eyes. One dark eye brow quirked the other followed. Locked in the staring contest of the ages once more.

"We shall see." he intoned once more.

Fine!" the boy said.

"Fine" thranduils low voice replied.

"Fin-uh!" the boy finished

"Now go eat Mister king I wont have you die of starvation before I help you." Tristan's straightened his tunic.

Thranduil rolled his eyes heavenward.

'Valor help me' he prayed.

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