Chapter 14

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Authors note: so how is it guys? Good bad what you expected? I didn't want to make it too graphic I wanted to make it absolutely heartwrenching. These similar situations you saw happend from age 8 until the night she wassaved. When you supress things like she does eventually it all comes out. These next few chapters will define her. Will she crumble or will she be forged stronger.

Shattered sword

He watched his mother sitting in her corner rocking back and forth. Loriel and Thranduil had been caring for him. He even got to sleep beside them in their bed. He was scares to sleep by himself.

Nothing calmed his mother. Only Loriel could get close enough to her to place food and water near by. It was never touched when they returns. He understood in a small way that his mother was in pain and fearful.

He had know for most of his young life something sick happend in that inn. He had known in the feel of the air and the emotions pouring into him from his mother.

"Momma? Why are you so sad? What's wrong? I'm sorry for not helping you." he said his voice small and raspy from tears.

He tried many times in the two days since she woke to talk to her. She never replied simply murmured nonsense things. Things that didn't make sense.

A warm hand fell upon his shoulder he looked up to see Legolas there. His mothers rocking became faster. Her whispered words became whimpers.

"Let us go. Your tutors are asking where you went. Give her time. Her mind is broken at the moment." he murmered.


Galdriel hadn't slept since visions of the girl came. Her niece. Her brothers daughter. The little one he had comforted so long. Lothlorien forest trembled in the wake of such power fueled by pain and fear.

'She is in Mirkwood and she needs me. I must go' she looked to her husband who simply nodded.


She saw him enter. The frosty king that was master here. She noted his look of displeasure. She removed her gaze from his person. She was not worthy enough to even be in his prescensce. She was filth. A whore.

He walked closer. Would he condemn her or would he give her hope anew? Could he bring her from these haunted shadows in her soul.

"We were wrong to rescue you. You are nothing more than a common whore. A filthy thing unworthy of being in my palace. Here this is for you." a sachle landed by her feet.

"Its your fault your mother is dead. Your fault your son is tainted. Stay here and you will bring him to ruination like everything else you have touched.Leave now before his taint is too much to wash clean."

Knifes cut into her soul. Swords of agony hearing the words of a monster come from this respectable kings mouth. From one of her Saviors mouths.

"You will taint my daughter and my son. do you think he will ever love you? Your a whore. Of no use other than on your back. Leave now before you kill or destroy anyone else."

"Dont worry your son will be taken care of. He doesn't need a whore of a mother like you."

He was gone afterwards. She was no longer partially ruined. She was now completely left in ruination. She grasped the satchle in her shaking hand. She grasped a cloak from a chair nearby and went to the window.

'He is right I am a bane on all the lives I touch.'

A heart died in that moment. A soul followed. A dead thing was all that existed. So she left and never looked back. she ran as if the hounds of hell were at her back.

'Never will I ruin my son. . . or Legolas. Places so fine as this were not for the likes of me.'


Thranduil felt the ash of his words in his mouth. Tears gathered in his eyes. It had to be done though. He couldn't let his son die of grief over another common she elf. He had lost him once he wouldn't do it again.

'Loriel will kill me. And yet I would deserve it. Even I am sickened by my words. I truly am the monster here.'

It didn't sit well with him to decimate an already fragile heart and soul of a haunted woman. Would he choose some girl over his son? Never! His son would always come first. Regardless of consequences. Others judgement be damned!

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