Chapter 16

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Authors note: here it is guys I don't like leaving you all waiting unless the chapter needs some more in depth thought.

The pieces have fallen as they may. . .

Loriel followed the scent of the elven girl. And she was a girl. She was vulnerable and unsure. Sad and hurt. Needing to find some assurance in this world. The poor thing was a mother too.

She had explained to Tristan before she left that his mother was going to be living with her a time to get better. The boy promised to keep it a secret and to watch over Legolas.

She worried for the elf. She always had since he had been born. Her frown deepened as she thought of Thranduil. She hardened herself from him and her aching heart.

He must learn to show kindness and mercy. Its as if he fears to show it for some reason or another. He has a good heart its just been put to ill use for too long.

'If I must cause you pain to make you better I will love' she thought sadly.

She found the elf huddled in tree roots trying to ward off the oncoming night. She landed and made her way to.the weeping girl.

"Mellon you sadden me with your tears. I have come to make you an offer." she said crouching and shifting Aven to her other arm.

"I. . . I . You need tto get away from me. Thranduil said. . ." she stopped when Loriel raised her hand.

"I know what he said. Its not true he worries for Legolas. Legolas has feelings for you. He has had them for a while. You are in no shape to return those feelings." Loriel explained.

"Yeah. . ." she said.

"Come to my palace. Live with my people a time and I will promise you heal yourself." Loriel placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I have no where else to go. I have no other options." she dejectedly said.

"Exactly which was my thoughts. Become the woman your mother knew you could be. The longer you sit here dwelling in your.injury you simply let Gorand win. So want to give life a go just once more?"

Shinning green eyes met stormy grey. Connecting and creating bonds that tie people together.

"Yes only for Tristan. . . and my friend Legolas." she looked down in thought and then back up once more.

'of coarse she will only think of him as a friend. she hasn't ever known kindness from men.'

"Can you promise me that you can help me?" she asked.

"I see the situation like this: you are broken the pieces of yourself are shattered. Its up to you to make the first step. You have to decide to stand up again after falling so low and hitting the ground so hard." Loriel said standing and reaching up her hand.

"I don't know if this will work.. . but I'm willing to try."

So the two were off. Loriels people met them a few miles on and Elaine got the pleasure of flying for the first time.

'Its gotten to the very worst things can only get better.'


"My niece has been basically convinced to exile herself from your.kingdom by you. And furthur more you did this because your son was in pain because of her broken self." Galadriel said.

"Yes basically." He said.

"Do you even know what she's been through? Do you even care?" Galadriel asked.

"I do on both counts I will not however let my son be hurt. I will not lose him from grief! " his voice took a hard edge.

"You don't have to worry about that. You have lost him regardless. How could you?" Legolas voice rang out from behind Thranduil.

"I did what was best for you." he simply said unwilling to explain himself.further.

"You claimed to have done that the last time. I will say this once more father" he sneered the word. " I am no longer your heir. Or your concern. I cut all ties of myself from you. So stop doing things in my best interest."

"Legolas you are my son." he said to the retreating back.

"I am not your son. All you have ever.done is push the women I love away. Why?! do you wish to torture me more? Since I grew accustomed to your silence and your frosty exterior?! You had to find another way to hurt me?!" he drew closer with every step.

Thranduil felt shame fill him. His son spoke no lie except when he said he meant to hurt him. He had only ever tried to make him stronger. Less empathetic.

"I did everything for your benefit" he said harshly.

Something snapped inside his son and his fist caught him upon the cheek. Blood filled his mouth and he found himself deserving of it.

"You did nothing." this was his son that had existed before he had left.

Then he left as well. It was unsurprising to Thranduil. Everyone in the coarse of the few hours had left him. Everyone important to him his whole life had left him at some time or another.

"You have reasons to be the way you are my friend. That does not mean that you can not change for the better. Orophor left a stain upon this house. Perhaps your ladies can help with that." galadriel rose and placed her hand gently upon his cheek wiping away the blood there.

"Your father was cold and believed this o be the way to personify being a high elf. You were hurt everytime you showed any thing other than cold disdain of number neutrality. Your son has been effected by this as well. Give it time. Things will get better. I only ask you to do me one favor." she said.

"Anything to right what I have done."

"Take care of the little one. He needs you. I will see if I can't help what's left of my niece. And perhaps bring your lady back home."

"I will."

And he was left alone atop his cold throne. In his lonely audience hall. He had ever been alone. Nothing had changed that in the years since his birth.

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