First Lost Tooth of the Trip

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  "ITS COMING!" Balloon Boy screamed wiggling one of his front teeth.  It was barely hanging by a thread at this point.  He had been holding on to that sucker for almost nine months now.  He couldn't rip it out at the pizzeria because not only was he too Chica to do it but there was a more magical reason: the FNaF crew was headed to Disney World that Thanksgiving.

  "NO BB!  JUST TWO MORE MILES AND YOU CAN PULL IT OUT!" Fredbear yelled from the drivers seat as they pulled onto the street leading to the big ol' Disney sign.

  "I'm waiting till we're right across that sign.  The second we're on Disney property I'm yanking this bad boy out" JJ, who was BB's twin sister, said.  JJ's tooth hadn't gone loose until about a month before the trip and she was worried there wouldn't be enough time for her to get it out.  But now it too was hanging by a thread and she could only imagine the torture BB had to have gone through to keep it by a thread for nine months.

  "You go girl!" Chica yelled.  Her car ride had gone just swell.  She didn't sleep or talk at all.  Chica only daydreamed of how cute Freddy and Baby would be once they got married.  All she could think of was her ship finally being canon.  Freddy and Baby had sat right next to each other!  If it weren't for the Bidybabs causing such a fuss they would probably be snuggling in each other's arms right now and AAAAH!!  SAVE ME FROM SCREAMING LIKE A PTERODACTYL!!! 

  Anyways, these muffins were headed to the Beach Club (great resort by the way, my favorite!  Right next to Epcot!) since they loved Soarin' and it was practically a hop away from that resort.  Also Foxy loved Epcot's giant turkey legs which are apparently in Magic Kingdom now too!  Unless fifty people had been to Epcot and Magic Kingdom in one day.  Oh I'm drooling at the sight of those turkey legs, my Lordy.  I'm going to stop advertising the turkey legs now and get on with this monstrosity.
  "Oh sweet mother of Jeśus" Bonnie said staring out the front car window.  There was the circus colored sign with the big ol' letters spelling out 'Walt Disney World'.  Everyone started screaming like hyperactive toddlers.  They crossed the sign and were on Disney property!

  JJ started making weird muffling noises and everyone turned over to see blood gushing out of her mouth.

  "I lotht mah tooth!" JJ said holding up her bloody tooth (I'm sorry British people for swearing).  "Wall, I kinda jutht yanked it oot"

  "YOUR MOUTH!  SO MUCH BLOOD!  YOU LOOK LIKE FREDBEAR AFTER HE BIT SOME KIDS HEAD OFF!" Spring screeched as Fredbear backhanded him.

  "BB?" Chica asked as she gave JJ some water and a napkin for her tooth.

  "I DONT WANT TO!"  BB started crying (admit it we've all been in a position where we're crying like toddlers at yanking a tooth out, or getting a shot, or getting eyedrops I still do that).

  "It's alright, although it's grossing the heck out of everybody else.  You can wait." Chica said in her warm motherly voice she usually uses when kids start crying at the pizzeria.

  "Which ride should we go on first!?" Freddy asked.

  Which ride is the most romantic? Bonnie asked, who wanted Fraby to sail on this trip, and they all had to go on the rides together since the Bidybabs were finally 48 inches and could go on every ride.  He also needed a romantic ride to got on with Chica *wink wink*.  "Test Track" he said suddenly.  Dang it, couldn't have been the Life boat ride thing?  That ones in the dark *wink wink*.  He had to blurt out the fastest ride at Epcot, the one Toy Chica made a fuss about since the wind would 'totally ruin her hair'.  Great job Bonnie.  Nice going bro.

  "YEAH!  I heard it's all different now and terribly advertising with all the Chevrolet crap inside!"  Chica said trying to be optimistic.  Test Track was still good ride now, but it was a classic before the modern Chevi crap.

  "I'm going to make my car big fat and ORANGE!" Baby said, knowing about the new 'make your own car' thing from Pinterest!  #notsponsered

  "And part of it is all dark and spoopy!" Somebody said.  Yes, meet my new OC somebody.  lol no, just put your favorite character or whatever there my brain is to lazy, I'm at Disney alright? 

  Oh, it's dark *wink wink* Bonnie thought.

  So they drove down to Epcot and into the boardwalk section to check into their resort.  What will happen next?  Will Fraby happen in the dark caverns of Test Track?  Find out next episode!

  A/N: I'm so sorry I had to do this, I think the FNaF crew would have so much fun in Disney World and I needed a new project.  Here are your questions:

  1) What's your favorite Disney ride?

  2) Do you want your OC to be a Disney Vacation Club member?

  3) What would your OTP do on a dark ride? *wink wink*

  Goodbye and have a magical day ;)

FNaF: LEMONLAND in Disney (based off a one shot)Where stories live. Discover now