Why did Mike and Foxy get drunk again?

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A/N: I accidentally paused a gif on Pinterest and got this. It's Disney okay?  Also there is mention of alcohol in here but let's all just be mature alright?

The salty air of the lake along the boardwalk hit Bonnie in the face like an orange. They had nine hotel rooms (we, yes we, did the math) which means four people per room. Who was in each room you ask? I have absolutely no idea I need a notepad to figure that out alright?

Anyways there luggage was being brought by the peepos that run the luggage (I'm sorry we're lazy!). So they got there magical majestic bands of all hopes and dreams that are the key to all things happy, including your bank account and headed to Epcot. Chica had booked fastpasses to Test Track and it wasn't easy with a party of 36, they would take up all the cars, everybody would hate them.

"I'm thiiiiuiuiuiuuuiuiiiiirsty" JJ said.

"Let's get drinks in England than" Chica said. Little did she know that getting drinks in England would result in quite the ride at Living of the Land or whatever it's called.

  The kids got chocolate milk (even Bonnie and Chica got the malk, there is nothing like chocolate milk at Disney).  Everyone else got some weird smoothie or a shot of something at some water but then Mike and Foxy decided to get beer.  Yes children beer, that people drink, cause some people drink beer.  I can't go on with the story if they don't have any.  Deal with it children it's just a drink adults have that children cannot cannot cannot drink, they can only get a small sip if they're Italian.  I'm going on without your permission.  Sorry.

  "The Landy boat ride is barely a five minute wait.  Soarin' is an hour and our fast passes for Test Track won't work for about two hours" Chica said looking at the wait times on her phone.

  Alright, to those of you who have never been in Disney I'm going to try my best to sum up Epcot for you!  There are two entrances (I believe) to the park, the main entrance and a smol entrance from the boardwalk.  If you are standing in the main entrance you will look up and see the biggest golf ball you'll ever see in your life.  This golf ball has a ride inside called Spaceship Earth which is an easy going ride that features mannequin like animatronics that shows the story of the whole word, the first humans, the development of transportation, inventing the first computer etc.  The golf ball is like the symbol of the Epcot park, if you see the golf ball anywhere it probably means your talking about Epcot.  Now there's a big lake once your passed the golf ball.  Surrounding the lake is the World Showcase, which takes up most of the park.  If you go down the left path there's a bridge leading to two rides: Mission Space and Test Track.  Mission Space is a ride that simulates a trip to Mars, there are two versions; the Green and the Orange, the Orange is basically a more intense version of the ride while Green is easier.  Test Track simulates what being a test dummy for a new car is like.  The old ride was more classic, it had the vibe to it.  The new one is a huge Chevrolet commercial, but you have the chance to design your own car and test it on the 'Sim Track' which is a huge Geometry Dash for cars.  The outside is the only part that hasn't changed and it's honestly the greatest part of the ride.  Anyways other than the sad sponsorship of Test Track the world showcase is across the bridge.  There are 11 countries overall, they go in this order from left of the golf ball then all the way around the lake; Mexico, Norway, China, a small African styled booth section with a tiny place to get drinks, Germany, Italy, The American Adventure, Japan, Morocco, France, England, and Canada.  The countries feature shows, restaurants, and rides that are themed with their culture.  Mexico has a boat ride featuring Donald Duck and two random birds which is basically a small boat ride as they make there way through Mexico on a magic carpet (I didn't make it), Norway used to feature a Viking styled boat ride but it was remade to be Frozen themed compete with animatronics and really pretty ice like sculptures.  The dresses Elsa wear can easily fit me and trust me I would've jumped out to grabbed them if others weren't watching.  It's basically Frozen all over again and has singing singing singing.  There's like no plot line it's pretty much just them singing the same songs from the movies in the same dresses they didn't get creative there was green. And lots and lots of singing.  Those are pretty much all the rides in the world showcase.  The front of the park that isn't the World Showcase is called Future world.  There's the Imagination Pavilion which used to be cool but Disney cut out all the cool things.  It's a gorgeous pavilion, just the ride ruins it.  Then there's the land that features a boat ride and Soarin'.  Soarin' is truly one of a kind.  It simulates what flying would be like, not on a plane, on a small little bench thing that takes you all around the world.  The boat ride which name I keep forgetting is basically a backstage ride through the gardens and fish tanks at Epcot.  There's another ride down the way called 'The Sea with Nemo and Friends' which is an easy going ride that takes you on an adventure to find Nemo again, they also have projectors showing the gang in the aquariums at the Sea.  I think that's it.  There's other little things but I don't have space to mention them.

  Anyways they were headed to the land to go on the small boat ride and take naps.  They walked up to the line and a cast member stopped them.

  "You two will need to finish your drinks before getting on." The cast member said, incase you didn't know Disney calls their employees cast members.  She was pointing to Foxy and Mike, the two who just had to get beer.

  "You guys know what this means" Bonnie said.

  "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" Everyone chatted as Foxy and Mike started chugging their drinks.  They finished them just s they were getting on the ride.  Kids, everybody gets into a position where they drink to much, so we all know what's going to happen next so uh;

  "THIS IS THE GREATEST RIDE EVER!" Foxy said in a drunk like voice, because guess what he was drunk!

  "LOOK! ITSA DRAGON!" Mike said pointing while Foxy went all 'ooooh' at the sight.

  "Mike, that's a tree" Jeremy said.

  "This ride has never been more awesome" Foxy said,

  "Yeah, they put more fairies in it, look look at 'em" Mike said.

  "Still trees" Mangle said.

  "M-m-mRAINBOW!" Foxy screamed pointing at a turtle animatronic.

  "Bonnie, you recording this?" Freddy asked.

  "I'm going to mention this on his wedding day, I'm going to show his children this video, I'm going to cherish this video and mock him for it until he dies.  I'm going to mention this so many times all people will think of when they think of Foxy is how he got drunk on a Disney ride" Bonnie replied.

  "Mangle" Foxy said embracing Mangle "I love you sooooooo much.  And Bonnie." He put an arm around the poor bunny "I love you too.  And Chica" he grabbed the girl and smothered her in a hug "I hate you"

  "Right back at you buddy, now please let go of me" Chica said.

  "But your uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugly" Foxy said.

  "I won't be the ugly one here if you don't let go of me soon" Chica said.

  "I want to kill you"

  "It's working"

  "Mike, I need help hiding a body"

  Mike looked over from a banana on the ground that he claimed was a dead giraffe.  "Dump it in the water, nobody will ever know," he put his finger on his lips "shhhhhhhhh"

  "Okay then" Foxy replied.  He lifted Chica as she started screaming bloody murder.  "STOP THE RIDE!  HELP!  LET GO OF ME YOU DUMB DRUNK PIRATE!"

  Foxy plopped Chica onto the land where all the trees were.  "Th-this is- why?" Chica stuttered.

  "Shhhhhhhhh..." Mike and Foxy said as the boat continued its way down the river.  Chica just sat there and waited until the cast members came and got her.

A/N: I don't even know where this came from.  This is kind of based on a true story.

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