Things Get Deep

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Bonnie lifted Chica to her feet again. Chica looked outside and saw the sun was slowly setting. Chica started walking towards Freddy with fury before Bonnie grabbed her.

"What are you going to do?" Bonnie asked Chica who just gave him a rude look.

"I am going to do this the old fashioned way" Chica ranted "I don't care how amazing the proposal is now because these videos" Chica lifted the camera "are definitely enough to show that clown women and her crazy family of psycho killers that that bear man will nurture that women with care because he goes out of his way for her and hopefully it will finally open up the Afton's eyes because Freddy and Baby deserve to be together" Chica began to walk off but she then bounced back to make one last point "And they don't need some over the top amazing, stellar, lit, unique, and absolutely beautiful proposal to show that."

Chica ran over to Freddy and handed him the orange pouch while whispering "Just go out and show her the beautiful Pandora scenery and propose so I can be sane again." Freddy nodded.

Freddy grabbed Baby's hand, Baby blushed and looked at Freddy. "Lets take a walk" Freddy leaned in and made his voice deeper "alone." Baby giggled and leaned into Freddy's shoulder as they started strolling. Chica filmed it from a distance crying with joy and Bonnie fangirled with her. (Omg Bill Nye is in Stranger Things)

Freddy and Baby walked throughout the Pandora observation point. Bright colors possessed almost every plant, all growing with multiple colors. Flowers bloomed into spikes and sparkles with lights. The ground was bright green from the black lights above and Baby almost glowed in the black lights. Baby couldn't stop staring at the lights because they were too beautiful. Freddy thought the same, except he wasn't looking at the lights, he was looking at Baby. (Help I'm feeling)

  Freddy looked over at the gang and Chica moved her arm in circles to signal 'hurry up I only have so much film'.  Freddy poked Baby's arm to get her attention.

  "Yeah Freddy?" She turned to him.  Freddy felt so many emotions at once that he froze.  He was about to propose to the girl of his dreams at Disney World, all of his friends were watching and filming the whole thing from a distance, and he didn't know this but Ennard and Vincent were trying to sneak up and strangle him.

  "I-um-I-well-I-um" Freddy stuttered "Um, Baby, I uh...."

  "Will you marry me?"

  Baby gasped and then proceeded to fangirl.  When Baby fangirls she becomes really......clingy?  She squeezed Freddy and put her head on his shoulder so her squeals were muffled.

  "Are you kidding me?" Chica questioned through clenched teeth, watching as another man proposed to his girlfriend.  Freddy missed his chance, another couple had already been engaged.  "What are the odds?" Bonnie asked trying to sound optimistic but Chica gave him a look and he laughed awkwardly.

  "This is getting ridiculous" Chica sighed "I'm telling you, I give up, those two will be together all day tomorrow whenever Freddy sees the chance he'll propose because I am sick of staying up planning over the top proposals.  And I swear if by tomorrow night those two aren't engaged then I will tie up the Aftons and put those two in handcuffs until they refer to each other as fiancé and fiancée because I just want a happy trip with a happy ship." Chica stormed off and Bonnie quickly followed.

  Just as they were walking past the observation point the Aftons tackled Freddy.  Chica walked up and decided to just join in on beating Freddy.  "You're killing me Freddy!"

  Baby had since walked away to be by herself, alone, just her and her feelings.  She found a bench and sat down and gazed up towards the floating mountains.  Is this worth it? She thought Is this feeling worth it?  I feel anxious when I'm alone or when he runs off, I go through hours of that feeling just for the twenty minutes we have together.  I'm in the happiest place on earth yet I've never felt more alone.  When he's finally there next to me I'm happy, but when he's gone it hurts.  Where is he going?  Who is he with?  Why doesn't he spend more time with me?  Why is he hiding things?  Then the worst thought that she had been avoiding almost the whole trip, the one she had tried her best to block from her even thinking it.  Does he still even love me?

  Baby's head flung up and she looked across at the glowing plants and the water falls cascading into the pond.  She looked at the water rushing quickly down the mountain and into the water, settling slowly but still having a burst of energy.  What was it like?  To be falling with so much force and energy before coming to a calming stop?  And how could something that was constantly referred to as relaxing and calming be so aggressive and hyper?  Perhaps thats what this was.  This was the waterfall that would eventually lead her to the lake, calm and easy but still possessing that strong energy.  Maybe that was how all couples were, they were waterfalls crashing down rocks until they finally found a peaceful ending, some continue on forever into the ocean which was almost as deep as the universe.  This waterfall came to quick stop into a restless pond, but some didn't.  Some went to rivers, to lakes, to the ocean where water was at a nearly infinite supply.  It was her choice where she could go, the ocean or the pond.  Rush forever with no true ends, or stop and be concealed forever.

  "Geez that got deep" Baby laughed aloud as a parent and their child walked past and stared at her confused.

  "Are you alright honey?" The parent asked Baby with general concern in her voice.

  "Yeah just" Baby sighed and looked at the women "Men, am I right?"

  The women sighed in return.  "You can say that again"

  A/N: How did that waterfall metaphor just pop into my head casually while I was writing this?  Anyways I'm going to be binge writing this to feel accomplishment.  Here have some questions:

  1) Do you have any Disney themed proposal ideas?  Because I'm running out of them, I may be romantic enough to write that waterfall thing but not fifty different proposals.

  2) Are you guys chill with me adding more Fraby (FreddyxBaby) fluff?  Because I'm constantly worried people don't ship it and they don't want it shoved down their throats.


  Bye I guess

FNaF: LEMONLAND in Disney (based off a one shot)Where stories live. Discover now