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  After a satisfying night of sleep Chica woke up and immediately started waking up the whole gang.  All the while she was saying something about flying on a mountain banshee on the beautiful planet of Pandora.

  "Chica it's like 4 AM can't we sleep?" Bonnie complained as Chica popped numerous confetti poppers trying to wake everyone. 

  "The wait time for Flight of Passage is only an hour!  We need to hurry so we can get there before the time flies up!" Chica screamed as she ran towards Bonnie and tried yanking him out of bed. "Also Pandora is extremely romantic at night you know what that means!  Another proposal! Yaaaaaaaay...." Chica whisper shouted so people wouldn't hear too much.

  "Alright, should I get the gang together?" Bonnie asked.

"Nah I already have an idea that is entirely full proof with only a 0.000001% risk of failure which is a lot to risk with our family but its something" Chica instructed. "Now get up and get ready we're going to Pandora!"

Bonnie got out of bed and so did everyone else, although it was a struggle to get the kids out of the bed. Chica tried booking fastpasses but again, with a party of over 30 people it was a struggle. She finally gave up and decided it would be easier to wait- FOUR HOURS!? Maybe it would be fun! FOUR HOURS. Maybe the line has cool decorations! FOUR FUDGING HOURS CHICA.

Anyways they got on the bus to Animal Kingdom and as soon as they were through the gates Chica guided everyone to Pandora for she had memorized the way there from studying the new maps over and over and over again.

Chica assembled the Love Experts while the rest of the gang went into line for a TWO HOUR WAIT!? My god. Baby hesitated as she watched the Love Experts review a plan, she couldn't hear what they were talking about but her curiosity got the best of her.

"Hey whatcha guys talking about?" Baby questioned casually as she pretended to play casual.

"NOTHING!" Freddy screamed in shock.

"You'll find out soon, just get a spot in line." Chica said as casually as she could even though she was panicking inside.

  Baby grabbed Chica's arm and started whisper shouting "I better get my man back soon or I'll feed you to a mountain banshee"

  Chica just smiled awkwardly and Baby let go and left to go on the ride.

  "That was way too close" Charlie said "If this proposal doesn't succeed we may need to take a day off just so Baby doesn't think Freddy is abandoning her"

  "But that's going to waste a day!" Chica exclaimed.

  "Well if we don't then she might say no!" Charlie explained "It's too risky"

  Chica sighed and then explained the plan to Freddy.  "Everyone's job is to make sure nobody gets in the way when Freddy proposes.  It's easy and simple, the Aftons probably won't even know about the proposal until its too late.  Freddy your job is to take the ring when you see it again and propose.  Make sure Baby sees it before you take it.  Ya dig?"

  Everyone nodded.  "Alright, now lets go on the flipping Flight of Passage ride"


  Freddy was terrified by the end of the ride, not just because he got pretty motion sick but he was nervous when in line with Baby.  One wrong move could spoil the surprise. 

  When they got off the ride the plan was in motion but nobody even knew.  The gang was gathered in a shop outside of Flight of Passage.  The shop was filled with puppet mountain banshees.  Baby looked at one of them and in the eyes of the puppet mountain banshee she saw a world falling apart.  She saw mountains burning and people screaming in pain.  The wings looked like long swords ready to stab or scoop the organs from any creature.  Scoop Baby thought, scoop, scoop, scoop, SCOOPER.  SCOOPER ROOM, DIE IN THE SCOOPER ROOM. Baby looked towards the exit of the store Get out.

  Baby made her way towards the exit but before she could a cast member cut her off.  One of them was on her shoulder. "Do you want to pet him?" The cast member asked.

  Baby looked into the eyes of the thing again and saw fire, destruction, and torture.  She looked away and tried going to the exit again.  The cast member stopped her again.  "It's not going to hurt you!" The cast member reassured Baby.

  "No," Baby trembled "I'm not touching that thing"

  The cast member tried her best to not show her frustration "He's not going to bite, he likes people"

  "No means no!" Baby screamed as she bolted away from the cast member and out the exit.  The cast member panicked then started chasing Baby.  Freddy watched as Baby ran and went to stop them when Chica grabbed his hoodie and yanked him back.

  "But-" Freddy began before Chica cut him of frantically "The ring is on the banshee"


  "Baby was supposed to see it, freak out and then you were supposed to propose but" Chica sighed "it turns out Baby has dracophobia" Freddy looked at Chica concerned "Fear of mountain banshees, its actually fear of dragons but thats close enough."

  "Well what should we do?" Freddy asked and Chica pulled out a camera and started filming the cast member chasing Baby.  "I've decided to just make a whole film dedicated to the multiple failed attempts because as they say, 'keep moving forward even after you completely totaled a time machine after trying to retrieve the other one which was stolen by a bowler hat guy'"

  Freddy sighed and ran towards the cast member and Baby.  He cut off the cast member and told her to stop.  The cast member handed him the ring, he put it in his pocket and the cast member walked away.  Baby ran over to Freddy and they both fell to the ground after she tackled him into an embrace.

  "My beautiful strawberry shortcake you saved me from being scooped by that evil little lizard's wings" Baby exclaimed tightening her embrace.

  "I know just please" Freddy tried gasping for air "let me go you're smothering me"

  Baby let go and they stood up.  Chica giggled as she watched the whole thing happen through her camera.  Ennard watched her with concern.  Chica looked at him and stopped smiling and casually put the camera away. 

  "You should just give up now" Ennard hissed "We're going to win, and your little bear friend is going to die and Baby will live her life with her family instead of you and your loser friends"

  "Well you may think that but what about her?" Chica looked towards Baby as she kept thanking Freddy "If she's happy why should you care?"

  Ennard scolded and walked away.  Chica started falling over with fear but Bonnie caught her.  "I swear that clown freak is going to be the death of me" Chica breathed.

  Bonnie looked down into Chica's eyes "Which one?"

  A/N: Cars 2 is a sin.  Lol I'm on vacation  and I just got back from Disney with my friends and the only stories I have from that trip is being late for the bus constantly and being an awkward third wheel with TheBoatDog and her boyfriend.

  I'm going to be binge writing this because I feel like it and I got my push nobody is stopping me. 

FNaF: LEMONLAND in Disney (based off a one shot)Where stories live. Discover now