Chica Spills the Beans

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It was about 3 am and both Freddy and Baby had woken up after having nightmares.  Freddy had a dream that another proposal had failed and Vincent murdered him brutally while Baby had had a dream that all her oranges had been taken away and it tore a hole in her heart, she was nothing without her oranges, oh and Freddy had been taken away too.

  But they had both woken up at the same time and panicked about it and after calming each other down they started holding each other.  After a while Freddy went back to sleep but Baby was still awake, she eventually wanted an orange so she tried getting out of bed but every time Baby moved Freddy would tighten his embrace.

  Baby finally got out of bed after after five minutes of them fighting each other with pillows Baby finally freed herself, then she felt guilty and ended up staying with Freddy for another five minutes. (I'm quietly fangirling)

Anyways, after all of that Baby left to the 'living room' of one of their suites and saw Chica chugging caffeine as she slaved over numerous bulletin boards. Chica had been up all night trying to work out an entirely safe proof plan and had called up every resource she knew to make sure that this plan had absolutely no way of failing. While there was a 99.999999% chance of the plan the working there was still a 0.0000001% chance of it failing and with her family that was too much to risk.

"What are you doing?" Baby asked nearly giving Chica her third heart attack of the day.

"NOTHING!" Chica threw the bulletin board out the window "THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING I JUST WANTED TO SEE IF THE QUANTITY OF 10000000774378673465784369 times the root square inch of 6784627857965764389569 equaled the amount of times Freddy has contemplated his future over the past week! It has not so, good news! He still wants to be with you!"

Baby sighed. "Actually, that's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"Well great I've only been up the entire night and I have had" Chica paused and counted all the empty coffee mugs inside the room "eleven cups of coffee so I could stay awake. What's up?"

"It's about Freddy, I'm worried about him"

Chica's blood pressure sky rocketed through the roof. "Why are you worried he's totally fine!" Chica's eye starting twitching from all the caffeine she had consumed.

"Haven't you noticed? He's kind of been" Baby paused ".........avoiding me. In fact he's been spending a lot of time with you, so I just want to know what's going on?"

"Well, we're just hanging out, you know, the classic Freddy's gang! If anything it's more like the 'Sit and Listen to Freddy Brag About his Amazing Girlfriend' gang"

"Oh, really?" said Baby "But remember when we were at that Cinderella well during the fireworks?" Chica nodded "Did you notice that he left during it?  I was pretty much left alone the whole night. Also I barely even saw him at all yesterday. Is something going on?"

Chica had no choice, she had to spill the beans. She ran to the kitchen and grabbed a can, opened it and spilled its contents. That was the only thing she could think of doing. She had spilled the beans, literally, she was just so tired from staying up all night and she couldn't tell Baby about the proposal. After spilling the beans she ran around crying "I'VE SPILLED THE BEANS!!!!! I'M SORRY FREDDY!" Freddy panicked when he heard this thinking that Chica had told Baby about the proposal.

Freddy grabbed Chica "CHICA WHY!?"

"I spilled the beans Freddy! They're all over the kitchen floor!" Freddy looked over towards the kitchen and sure enough there were beans spilled on the floor.  He felt a bit relieved but also a little mad.  Freddy took Chica aside so Baby wouldn't overhear them.

  "Chica you nearly blew our cover!" Freddy said and Chica just stared at him.  The coffee was starting to wear out.

  "Covers, like covers on a bed, a bed, sleep, sleeeeeeeep" Chica yawned as she slowly fainted onto the couch.

  Freddy sighed and Baby came in after cleaning the beans.  She hugged Freddy and kissed him on the cheek, Freddy hugged her back and kissed her.  "I love you" he said, Baby wanted to talk to him about her worries but instead she said she loved him back which was still true.

  They then went back to bed and slept in until the next day.

  A/N: one of our neighbor's horses is not happy.  I fangirled so hard while writing this, I try to avoid ships in Lemonland but I couldn't resist in this one.

FNaF: LEMONLAND in Disney (based off a one shot)Where stories live. Discover now