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Alright, before I write the chapter:

WHY ARE YOU READING THIS?!! I mean, sure the first original book was really crappy and only lasted until Chapter 10, but this thing only has 6... 7 chapters and it already has more views! Did you guys REALLY want a reboot?


Thank you!!!



Your POV

I opened my eyes.

Sans was still hugging me.

*internal screams intensify*

I tried to get out of bed without waking Sans up.

But it was no use.

You flicked Sans' forehead.

"mornin', butterfly"

I blushed at this, and even more realizing that I was two inches away from his face.

"M-Morning, Sans..."

"wanna go to grillby's with me?"


Sans stood up and held out his hand for me to hold. Wow. Never thought Sans would be so fancy about this.. and calm?

I took it and we teleported straight into Grillby's.

"W-whoa... uhh okay.." I jumped at the sudden change of surroundings.

"what? first time teleporting outta bed?" Sans chuckled.

"yeah, I guess..."

"whaddya wanna order?"

"Just f/f (favorite food), please."

"ok. Grillb's, two orders of f/f. To go."

"Wait- where are we gonna go?"

"somewhere special.." Sans took the paper bags and we headed out.

"Why aren't we teleporting there?"

"i dunno. guess i just wanted to take a walk.."

"Sans, where are we going??" I jumped around like a little kid.

A piercing pain shot through my spine.


"what's wrong? something under your skin or something?" 

"My back.. hurts all of a sudden...."

The pain worsened.

I let out a yelp and fell face first into the snow. 

"heh, kid you alright? lack of breakfast getting to ya already?" Sans helped me up with my arm slung around his shoulder.

"That and the pain in my back... I wonder what-"

I remembered yesterday night.

"what is it, kiddo?"

"When you threw me to the wall, I must have broken something.. l-lets go to Alphys.. maybe she can help..."

"yep. that thing i was gonna take you to has to wait.. and.. really sorry for last night.."

"Don't worry about it. It's fine."

Then we teleported to Alphys' lab.

Alphys was watching anime with Undyne.

Then, Alphys saw the 'position' I was in.

"O-oh my gosh! Y/n, are you okay? D-did something happen? And... Sans??" Alphys grinned widely. Undyne caught the action and was squealing like a fangirl.

"PUNK, YOU AND SANS ARE JUST ADORABLE! I wonder what's the ship name?" Undyne was smiling.

"U-Undyne!! Y/n is hurt, we can discuss that later.. Let's get her to a bed, she needs to rest."

"on it." Sans carried me bridal style to a white hospital bed.

"You know, only my back hurts. I can walk.." I blushed in embarassment.

"pffft.. after a while ago? no way!" Sans chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Hey..." I fixed my hair and laughed a bit.

"Y-Y/n, I need you to drink this medicine. It will help ease the pain, just eat monster food regularly and your s-spine will heal. Oh, and I'll need to take an x-ray of you every other day to check if it's healing." Alphys seemed so calm about this. I guess she's used to treating patients.. 

"Uhh.. X-rays?" Sans blushed.

Oh. My. God, Sans.

"St-stand behind this machine please so I can see the damage." Alphys revealed a small metal box.

I stood behind the small machine.

Sans was blushing like crazy.

"Ok. You can go n-now.. I'll send the pictures with my cell. Don't worry about the number, I can h-handle it."

"Thanks, Alphys!"

"yeah, we gotta go n-now.." Sans was still blushing.

"bye.." We teleported back to his house.

"I'm tired." I sat on the couch, eyelids growing heavy.

"it's noon, you're tired already?" Sans chuckled.

"I have a question."

"lay it on me, kid."

"Why do you always have that shit-eating grin on your face?" I smirked.

"i dunno, i guess i don't have the guts to frown.. hah."

"But seriously, how are you and Papyrus.. you know? Living? I know because of your souls, but how are you not losing form without muscles? And how do you guys even eat?? Where does it all go?"

"dunno. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmagic?"

"Seriously?" I raised an eyebrow.

He just shrugged.

"Now I'm hungry. I didn't eat breakfast, right? And neither did you."

"yeah. i'll make breakfast."

"You can cook?"

"Any dish NOT involving knives sounds good to me. So bacon and eggs it is!"


lol ok

Start A New Again •Sans X Reader•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang