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Your POV

We were walking through the long hallway until we reached an elevator.

"uhhh, y/n?"


"i forgot to tell you.. the time travel only lasts 2 hours.."

"What?!!! How many minutes have we wasted?!"

"about 15.."

"Then lets hurry!"

I pushed the button to the first floor since we were in the basement.

"wait.. Why aren't we teleporting?"

"apparently, my magic dont work right now." He tried summoning a gaster blaster. But failed.

The elevator bell rang. The doors opened to a big giant party with lots of people in it.

"How are we gonna get to past me in an hour and a half now???"

"i got this.."

What was he gonna do?

"*breaths deep* METTATON SUCKS!"

The crowd cleared as an isle was formed, revealing an angry pink robot.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, SANS?!!!" He shouted as he stomped over to us. The floor vibrated with every step.

"sorry metta, but we need to hurry to snowdin." Sans squeezed my hand.

"Alright then, darling. But you owe me one!" Mettaton paused after, then looked down at our hands.

"Oh my, what is this?" He had a wide grin on his metallic face.

I looked nervously at Sans.

"we're together..?" Sounded more like a question.

"Then you wont mind kissing her on camera for me, would you? After all, you do owe me~" Mettaton called her camera man to come over.

I blushed a tint of pink. Sans looked fine.

"alright." He pulled me closer (NO, NOT THAT SONG PLS) and pressed his teeth against my lips. It was more of a teeth bop than a kiss to be honest, but it felt nice.

"Did you catch it?" He asked Napstablook.

"Yes. All 3 seconds. Live."

"Great! The views.. Skyrocketing! Thank you, Sansy, now. Burgerpants!!!!"

"Yeah?" The brown cat monster's head popped out from the crowd.

"Use the limo. Take these wonderful darlings to Snowdin, pronto!" Mettaton threw him the keys and he move through the crowd to catch it. Luckily, he caught it without falling over a monster creating a domino effect.

"Follow me." He scampered over to the limousine, opening the car door for us to get in. I got in first, then Sans.

"-yawn- tEM wAnt tEM fLAkEs!" Temmie woke up.

"We'll get you tem flakes when we get to Snowdin, cause right now, we got.."

"1 hour."

"1 hour to get there!"


It went silent for a bit.

Then I had a really bad headache.

Images flashed before my eyes.

"I-I know you can do better! I.. I believe in you!"


Then another.

"N-no, please! Do w-what's r-right! Y-you're n-n-not acting l-like y-yourself.. Pl-please?"



I gripped my head as the headache got worse. Blurry blue and white colors moving infront of me, voices I could not determine what they were saying.

The headache stopped.

The voices were clearer and I saw a more recognizable monster.


"Y-Y/n! Are you alright? What happened??"

"The memories of me killing them.. I had a headache..." I wiped away my tears.

"Who.. who did you see?"

"Papyrus.. a-and Alphys.." My voice was hoarse, as if I screamed at the top pf my lungs to a closet for two hours.

"It's gonna be ok. You're safe with me. You'll always be." He stroked my (hair length hair color) hair. It was calming.

"tEM wIll ChEEr hOOmAn uP!" Temmie sat beside me and poked my ticklish spot. I laughed softly.

"so you're ticklish, eh?" Sans' grin widened.

"Oh no.." I laughed nervously.

"Sans... what's with that look?"

"You're about to have a good time." (Underfell reference intended)

Narrator's POV

The temmie and the monster started tickling Y/n. Y/n tried not to give in to the feeling, but the tickles were too intense. She laughed so hard it was hard to breath. Sans and Temmie also started laughing. Everyone had a good time.


I wrote this on a school night. Your welcome.

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