Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 2

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Author's Notes:

The song at the side (You Me At Six - Always Attract) kinda reminds me of Anna and Blake, plus it's pretty cute :3 So listen to it!


Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 2:

       "I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Blake Turner is 17 years old. He has dark brown, shaggy hair that flops over his eyes – one of which blue, and the other brown with a green tinge. His odd eyes had been the physical feature that Anna Viramonte most admired, and she was the girl who undoubtedly became the love of his life. But Anna was dead, and the reason why he was in the courtroom today.


 It all began in late spring, when Blake and Anna began Year 11 at Court Boarding School.

Anna was there because her control-freak father wanted her to have ‘the best start in life’. Anna agreed with his point, but wasn’t sure if boarding school was the answer. At first, she wanted to get out of the school as soon as possible, but after realising that she wasn’t around her father as much, she began to enjoy herself, even if she wasn’t the British equivalent of the lead cheerleader. Anna had an uneasy relationship with her father; he was strict and wanted her to follow his morals, whereas Anna was a free spirit who wanted to do things her own way. She had inherited a dampened version of her father’s temper, which often led to very heated arguments between the two of them if they disagreed on something, and if her father had been drinking, these feuds could result in Anna being seriously hurt – she had already been in the hospital a couple of times for broken limbs, concussion and a few other things, for all of which she had managed to cover her father for (though at times she wondered why she bothered).

Blake had obtained a scholarship for the school, his A* grades proof of his willing personality, as well as his ability to soak up information like a porous sponge. Blake wanted the best education he could get, and that was available at Court Boarding School. He had joined the year before, and all of the girls had wanted to date him, mainly because of he had "adorable eyes", an "adorable personality", an "adorable name", "adorable" this and "adorable" that. Basically, the girls just thought he was "adorable" without even getting to know him as a person. This all changed when another guy started the school, and then all the attention went onto him - but Blake was expecting that, as most girls ‘fall’ for the new guy.

They first laid eyes on each other during a debate in an English lesson; Anna had been unwillingly paired with Blake. She thought that her debating skills would be by far superior to Blake's, but she was pleasantly surprised when he managed to cleverly contradict every single one of her arguments, leaving her speechless and bewildered. In the end, it was Blake who had won the debate and it was Anna who had agreed to go on a date with him in the nearby cafe.

After that, they were inseparable.

Blake and Anna had been together for exactly 1 year, 5 months and 24 days when Anna had died. She was on her way to Blake's house for a weekend stay, but that had be cut short by her car going off the road and into the river next to the it. Blake's father was part of the town council and they were discussing plans to put up barriers along that stretch of road that same day. It was also that particular day Blake swore that he would never love someone as much as he had loved Anna. What's more, he had never told her how much he loved her. Of course, he had said 'I love you' to her, but he had never said any more than that. He had rehearsed what he was going to say to her over and over again that day, before giving up and deciding the just speak from the heart once she was standing right in front of him, her soft blue eyes gazing into his with a huge amount of love. But then there was the knock on his bedroom door as his mother said "Blake, honey? I need you to come downstairs for a moment". It was then that he knew something was wrong, but nothing would have prepared him for the news that came next.

Right now, he would do anything to have Anna back with him.


       "Blake, what was your relationship with Anna?" I was asked by a small, blond lady with a firm expression.

       "My girlfriend," I replied.

       "And do you know what her relationship was like with her father?"

       "He was very strict, and occasionally violent," I began. "But aside from that it was a typical father-daughter relationship. They had their disagreements.."

       "Do you think her father could be responsible for the accident?"

       "Yes." I said, too quickly. There was no doubt in my mind that Anna's father was responsible.

       "Why is that?"

       "There is no fault with the vehicle, and Anna's father is one of the most careful drivers I have come across," I justified, hoping that my hint that I think (and almost know) that it was him who caused Anna's death had got through to them. I had looked at the evidence prior to this morning. I knew everything about the case so far.

       "No further questioning."

Slowly, I sat down. This was going to be a long morning.

The case dragged on until late into the afternoon before we were all disbanded. I was going to visit Anna.

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