Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 9

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Author's Notes:

There's only another couple of chapters left in this story, so it's all coming to an end now :(

And please comment what can be improved about certain chapters and I'll try my best to improve it :)

Oh yeah, and vote please ;D


Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 9:


After the final hearing tomorrow, Anna's father will receive the verdict. Based on the evidence that has been presented so far, he will probably receive the verdict of 'not guilty', but I try to stay positive and determined about everything even though sometimes I just want to give up.

The thought of Anna's father being cleared of the charges makes my blood boil. I know that Anna's death wasn't an accident. But nobody will listen to me.


Today I am going to be speaking with Anna's father in private. I wring my hands over and over again as I stare at the grey, concrete floor, waiting.

"Blake Turner?"

"Yeah," I say, as I get out of my seat and get my confidence act ready and underway.

I stride into the room, glaring at the sorry mess that is Anna's father. He still has his air of arrogance, and my hatred for him burns so deep I could pummel his face. He took away the love of my life, the girl I was going to marry.

But now is not the time to cry like a girl. I need to be strong and not show any weakness.

"Mr. Viramonte." I address him.

"Blake, it's nice to see you," he fake smiles.

I sat down in the seat opposite him. "How's things been going?"

"I think I need to ask that question to you first. It must have been pretty hard losing Anna."

I don't need his fake sympathy. He doesn't mean a kind word he says.

"Listen." I say in the most threatening and imposing voice I can. "We both know that it wasn't 'just and accident'."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he says while making an innocent face. I can see past that. This man is evil, and it's hard to believe that someone as loving and beautiful as Anna was ever fathered by a piece of scum like him.

"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about."

"Do I?" he taunts.

"You killed Anna." I say through gritted teeth as I slam my hands on the table, causing it to shake slightly as the bang echoes around the room. "And I will prove it."

I stand up abruptly. "I'll see you in court, Mr. Viramonte."

"Good bye, Blake."


I storm out of the building, before sitting on the curb with my head in my hands.


"I'm sorry, Anna," I whisper, hoping that she can somehow hear me. "I just lose it around that man."

There was no reply, not that I was expecting one. Then I did something I never expected to do again.

"God, if you're up there and listening, let me talk to Anna. If she wants to of course, you can't ever force Anna to do something she doesn't want to do. Unless she's drunk, of course, but she doesn't do that very often. But that's beside the point.

Please just give me a way to prove that the crash wasn't an accident. We both know it wasn't.


I had decided a while ago that God didn't exist after the crash happened. If He did exist, he had let Anna die.

I got to my feet and walked home slowly.


       "Hey, Mum?"

       "Yeah, honey?"

       "When's dinner?" I ask so that I can decide what to pass the time doing.

       "Another hour."

I go to my tree house at the very bottom of the garden. I never got to bring Anna here, even though I had planned to thousands of times. It was hidden by all of the branches, and it would be very hard to find it without knowing about it.

I see all of the drawings I had drawn on the walls when I was a lot younger. I saw it as my kingdom then. But nothing lasts forever, no matter how hard we try to preserve it.

I'm scared of the day Anna leaves my heart.


I lose track of time, and by the time I look at my watch again, I realise that hours have passed and it is almost dark.

I climb out of my tree house and I realise just how cold it is now. The wind is blowing harshly as I slowly make my way to the house. As I reach it, a swear I can hear a voice tell me "We are not immortal."

That phrase haunts me for the rest of the day.


I yawn widely as I reach to turn off my DS before its alarm starts ringing annoyingly. Today is the day of the final hearing.

I have a strong feeling that I need to go to Anna's house before I go into court.


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