Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 11

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Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 11:

Anna's room was looking more unkept this time; her mirror and shelving had collected dust, and cobwebs were hanging in two of the corners. The maid had obviously discovered that she could easily get away with not cleaning as much or as often.

I guess this meant that the job had fallen onto me to clean her room, but I would get to work after the final hearing - I didn't have time to clean it now.

I sat down on her bed to assess 'the situation' and form a plan of action for later. Her room looked pretty bare compared to before, but I knew that all of her things were safely stored away in my room. All that remained was the storage under her bed, but I knew they were just old suitcases and other odds and ends like tents and waterguns that we would use in the summer.

I just have a strong feeling that there is something here that I need to find. My only problem is that I don't know what to look for and where.

I briefly scanned the room. There just couldn't be anything here that I needed. I spun around in slow, small circles as I gazed over every contour of her room. There just wasnt anything out of the ordinary.

I was wasting my time here. I needed to go into court. I won't win the case here.

I look over the room more closely this time. Still nothing.

I turn to leave, but I can't bring myself to walk out of the door.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I mutter to myself, before turning back into the room.

Then I think of the cactus that Anna used to have. She used to have it on her drawers next to her lamp, though this proved to be a big mistake as when she tried to turn her lamp on one night when I was staying over she accidently grabbed her cactus instead. I spent ages carefully taking the spines out of her hand while talking her and then kissing it all better.

That cactus once fell down the side of her drawers.

Why was that last piece of information so important?

I decide to look down the side of her drawers.

Her drawers were next to her wardrobe, and the gap between the two is heavily shadowed, so I could barely see anything. At the very back, I see a white sheet.

I reach to get it.


I pull out the grimy, dusty piece of paper and unfold it.

'To the love of my life, Blake,

This is the most difficult letter I have ever had to write.

I love you with every cell in my body. I love you more than there are stars in the sky. Words cannot even begin to describe how much I love you. I can't imagine life without you by my side.

I have always dreamt of growing old with you; I couldn't see myself with anyone other than you. But I know that that's not going to happen.

I'm pregnant, Blake. If you ever read this letter, it means that I never got to tell you in person, and that I'm gone. I would never destroy our baby, even though we're still young. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Blake, and I want our baby to be a part of it.

I know that I am going to die pretty soon. I don't like it, and I haven't accepted it; but I'll fight on for you and our baby, my darling. I know that I am going to die at the hands of my father and his anger, and I'm scared. For now, I have barricaded the door, but it won't keep him out forever.

I guess this is goodbye...

Yours forever,

Anna x'

I choke on my tears as I run my fingertips over the letter.

Anna loved me.

Anna was pregnant.

Anna wanted to be with me for the rest of her life.

Anna was killed by her father.

Anna died scared.



My heart warmed when I thought of how much love there was between us. There was nothing more I could have ever wanted than her absolute love.

I'm shocked by the news of Anna being pregnant. I would have been a Daddy. And Anna would have been a Mummy. She would have made an awesome mother, I knew it.

I couldn't get my head around the idea that I was going to propose to Anna the day of the accident. I was going to let the world know that I wanted her to be mine forever, and that I would be hers for eternity.

Anna was killed by her father. The drunken old man couldn't handle that she was carrying my baby and that she was with me and so he killed her in his fury. A man like him didn't deserve the honour of having a daughter like Anna. I hated him for causing her so much fear and pain.


I would go into court and win this case. Not just for Anna, but for our unborn baby as well.


Man, Anna's Letter was hard to write :L GO KICK SOME BUTT, BLAKE! :D (very enthusiastic...)

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