Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 3

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Author's Notes:

The song on the side (Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel) was the song I was listening to when I wrote this - and it's so damn cute :3

This chapter needs to be extended, but I'll do that once I've finished editing and when I can be bothered ;)


Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 3:

Anna’s grave stood facing west. She always liked the idea of having a grave that faced west because it was where the Sun set, and it symbolised the end. Personally, I didn’t like to think of it as the end for her, but it was what she wanted, and I couldn't go against her wishes. I just got to watch the Sun set at the end of the day with her.

Near to her grave was an oak seedling that I had planted. I chose oak because of its symbolism for strength, virtue, resiliency, permanence and re-birth; I liked the idea that Anna would always be around, and if reincarnation was valid then maybe she could come back into my life somehow.

Anna and I shared a love for symbolism.


I watch the Sun set with Anna for hours. I can’t fully get my head around the idea that she’s really gone.

       "I love you, Anna," I whisper.

Then I finally say what I meant to tell her on the day of the crash.

       "Anna, I love you. I love the way your blue eyes sparkle in the moonlight, they way you say my name with such love and passion, the way your hands move through my hair when you kiss me. I love the way you laugh at my jokes, even when they’re awful, the way you make me lose consciousness of my surroundings whenever you’re nearby, the way you held my hand through everything. I love everything about you, and I love to watch you sleep so peacefully in my arms at night."

And then I change what I would have said.

       "Anna, if you were still around, I would ask you to be mine forever. But you’re gone. It’s like you’re water and I can’t hold on to you."

A tear escapes my eye, and I pull my knees into my chest and rest my head on top of them.

       "I wish I could have saved you."

After a few minutes of remaining in silence, I get to my feet, plant a kiss on Anna’s grave and begin to walk home, always glancing back to where she lays.

Anna's Final Letter - Version IWhere stories live. Discover now