Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 10

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Author's Notes:

This chapter is in the past ( about a month ago in this story), and the chapter after the next will also be set in the past.


Anna's Final Letter - Chapter 10: Anna's Funeral

Hey everyone," I say, addressing the crowd of people that had attended Anna's funeral. There were more people there than I had expected, but shouldn't have been surprised as Anna was loved by everyone that she met.

"I was the luckiest guy in the world to have someone like Anna at my side," I began. A few people looked up at me and smiled weakly, and I returned the gesture. "And I know that Anna touched the lives of everyone she was involved with." I pause before continuing.

"Anna was full of life, and she enjoyed every moment God gave her. She worked hard in school, and she was a loving and caring daughter, girlfriend and friend. It was a complete honour to have known such a beautiful and bubbly young woman, and it was a complete shame that her life was cut short." I pause for a few moments to let what I said sink in.

"Anna is and always will be the love of my life." I state, finishing off my speech.

By the end of my speech, everyone is crying, and I allow a few tears to drop. Anna always said "Boys don't cry, but real men do", and I felt liberated by that phrase and allowed more tears to follor. I walk round to Anna's grave, placing a bunch of roses and daisies amongst the garlands of flowers that surround it already.

"It's not fair," I whispered as I stared at the ground. "You didn't deserve to die."

My father stood beside me and patted me on the back a few times.

"It's going to be ok, son."

"I know."

"Everyone has gone now, so I'll leave you two alone."

I hated, but loved how he spoke as though Anna was standing in front of me. But we both knew that she wasn't.

Anna is dead.

I sat down in front of her grave and read the words on it.

'Anna Viramonte


Forever in our Hearts'

It was simple, but it had a deep meaning for me. I wanted it to say something timeless, meaningful and loving on it. That was the best I could come up with. Well, I approved of it when my Mum came up with the idea.

Her grave was a deep, slate grey, and the words were engraved in gold. It was the best I could afford, but I knew that Anna would appreciate it.

Anna is dead.

I sat with my legs crossed. I didn't care about my suit. I softly began to sing.

"'Cause everything you do and words you say,

You know that it all takes my breath away

And now I'm left with nothing.

Well, maybe its true

That I can't live without you"

I take a few deep breaths before continuing with the song at a different point.

"I remember every look upon your face,

The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste

You make it hard for breathing.

'cause when I close my eyes and drift away

I think of you and everything's okay"

I rest my head against her headstone. I could almost hear Anna laughing and saying "You're a really awful singer, Blake". Almost.

Anna is dead.

I wanted to ignore that voice in my head. I didn't want to believe it.

I closed my eyes and thought of Anna. Everything was not okay. And that was just because she wasn't at my side holding my hand, tracing the lines on my palm; leaving a tingling feeling afterwards.

I looked down at my palm, stretching my fingers and then holding onto air. She wasn't coming back.

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