Chapter 5: Home

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I was better now. During the 36 hours I spent at the infirmary, it was only Pierre who visited me. It was nice to be back in my own bed. It wasn't exactly a bed I own, it was just the bed that was in the room that the church had given me. They had left the room just the way I had left it and I greatly appreciated that. The only reason I wasn't happy was that I didn't exactly leave it in a clean state... and that was in 2014.

There was a knock on my door. For the first few seconds I thought I had imagined it. Then there was another knock.

"Who's there?" I asked.

There was no answer.

I walked to the door and opened it. There was no one there. I believed I had only imagined it.

I had turned to the two year old mess I had on my hands, thinking of how long it was going to take for me to clean it up when the door was knocked on again. It was two gentle knocks and it seemed like it was done by two different people.

I slowly and silently walked to the door to see if I can maybe hear people breathing or heartbeats, or smell some kind of perfume. There was nothing.

When I opened the door, I saw Juan Francisco and James standing behind it. They were in a non-verbal argument, which I deduced to be that neither of them wanted to be the first to talk to me.

"What do you want?" I asked with extreme hostility, basically looking at Juan Francisco because he was standing on my left hand side and it also seemed right because he was taller.

"We're here to see you." Juan Francisco said.

"We're looking at each other now." I said.

"What he means is," James started. "We we are sorry we weren't able to see you while you were hospitalised."

I gave out a smile hoping it was as fake outside as it was inside. It was.

They both looked like they wanted to say something but they knew I wouldn't give them the chance. With stupidity and guilt on their faces, they just walked away.

After a sigh (of whatever), I shut the door. I picked up a broom which was beside the wardrobe and knelt beside the bed, ready to sweep under it.

Then I heard another single knock. It was a little different because it echoed. I ignored it, removing dirty covered wrappers of biscuits and toffees from under the bed.

I shook when I heard another single knock. I rolled my eyes at the thought of James and Juan Francisco standing behind the door, waiting to tell me some crazy thing they had forgotten or failed to tell me earlier. I felt a mixed feeling of disappointment and rage when I opened the door to only find air.

I left it open when I was going back to my cleaning. I felt movement behind me and it was so difficult for me for ignore it.

I sat on my bed, facing the open doorway directly. I hated it when people watched me whenever the went through the hallway.  They didn't know me. I'm not their friend.

I started to feel dizzy. My vision was blurring and I was finding it hard to maintain balance.

There was a man in black atire standing at the door. He was tall with batons in his hands and he just stood there watching me fall into unconsciousness. I struggled to know what was happening to me. Obviously, it wasn't gas because I didn't smell anything and the door was open so

I tried to scream but nothing came out. I touched my throat but I didn't feel anything. My nervous system must have been affected. In seconds, I was struggling to move my hands. I was getting paralysed. I feared at the thought that I wasn't being knocked out or kidnapped but murdered. The only thing I could see was the intruder, still frozen at the doorway.

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