
21 3 0

1st May, 2017

I realise I have placed my hand across my face, like to shield me from something.

I jump off the couch and run to the television. Its mirror application is on so I can see my face clearly on the screen.

I notice my long hair has been blown sideways. No matter how hard I try to comb or moisturise it, it never looks as good as it did before that strange wind blew in.

I pull my hair back into a ponytail and smile at how good I look in a suit. I start making faces to pass time.

Just then, Clarissa appears on the screen.

I gasp and jerk back, wishing she hadn't seen me, but I'm sure that's even a worse look.

"Hi." She says with a smile. She is seated in her car and judging from the view of the building from her window, she's right outside Cape Flats.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

"Give me a minute." I smile at her and the screen turns into a mirror again.

"Television!" I immediately yell.

The mirror goes off and a smiley face emoji appears.

"Yhup?" He says.

"When did you get on auto-recieve?" I ask, placing my hands on my waists.

The smiley face turns into a shocked emoji. "This afternoon." He says. "Nick made that setting."

"Shut down." I order when I hear the door unlock and open and I turn to watch Nick walk in.

"Evening." He says and hangs his keys.

"Evening." I say with a nod as I fix my tie.

"You look good in a suit." He says. "You don't need to dress up in the living room just to make me say that."

I turn and walk toward him as he throws himself into the couch. He pulls out his transparent phone and starts to play with it.

"You got a new UPhone?" I ask.

He nods without looking at me.

"What did you get me?"

"Happy birthday." He points at my computer (which is behind him) and says without looking at me.

I look at the computer and then at Nick and watch and listen to his loud typing and loud gum chewing, then back at the desktop computer.

I walk to it and press the spacebar key to wake it up.

I marvel at the open folder which holds a single file. "Best present ever."

"Don't get too excited." Nick says. "It's just Young Justice Season Three Episode One and Two."

"How did you even get it?" I walk to him but he doesn't even turn to me.

"I'm a Teleporter and I know some people." He answers. "And there's no voice so I hope they made the lips readable."

Although I can only see the back of his head, I imagine him smiling. I know he went through a lot of trouble to get it and even if it takes forever, he'll have to admit he has a heart.

"Thank you." I was truly grateful.

My phone starts to ring and I walk to the table to get it.

"I hate this song." Nick says.

"Really?" I say. "Chris Brown and Jason Derulo's Memories?"

Nick nods.

I roll my eyes at him and answer the phone. "Hi, Mum."

Vin Xander And The Inner CircleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora