Chapter 19: High Lights

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It was exactly six o'clock when the church bell rang for the last time. I hadn't been up that early before, at least not after high school.

Beside me were Nick, Marvin, Clarissa, Tanu and Nagin. We were benched out outside the church.

A Protector came for us and we followed him to the church.

It was almost unbelievable, being exported to a church, which was temporarily a court and filled with so many people who wouldn't even be present of there was an actual mass, in handcuffs to be judged.

The Inner Circle was there, and my father and my brothers and my uncles, Tom and Albert. Also present were Nick's parents, Nicholas and Maeve. The people I was most surprised to see were my sister, Jenessa and my mother, Dani Odinson.

I started feeling so ashamed and disappointed and stuff. Also, scared. I was also scared out of my mind.

I didn't want to go to Rangard. I am... I was a Peacekeeper and I had put a few criminal supernaturals in there.

We stood before the council and Albert was not even on it. It consisted of an old woman, Father William, a man in a lab coat and a woman in a witch costume.

They had name signs in front of them but I wasn't close enough to see.

"Vin Xander Frimpong." The elderwoman said. "You have been brought to court for multiple charges of treason."

It was so hard for me to prevent myself from saying 'whatevs'.

"There is an explanation for the whole thing." I said.

"Why don't you tell us the whole thing?" The council woman requested.

I gasped. "You mean, from the beginning?"

"We decided it would be good to hear different accounts of this story."

I nodded. "I'll go first."

The cuffs on my hand didn't do me any help at all.

"About two years ago, I found out that I had been a Timelord since I was 16. I found out that it was something that had been in my paternal family for centuries. I did a lot of good with my powers, like going back in time to charge my phone or laptop before the power went out and other major stuff like stopping planes that were going to crash."

"In other words," the doctor in a lab coat said. "You messed with the timeline."

I nodded. "Anyone who can control time gets tempted to mess with it. That's why I get The Flash. It's amazing how he doesn't mess with time that often."

"Moving on..." Father William said.

"Oh yeah. I was living a good life until I was recruited by my uncle to join the church to fight evil. On the outside, like to my mother and my father, I was in seminary school but to you guys, I was an amazing Peacekeeper who quickly climbed to Level 3 and stayed there. Things started going bad when I was informed that the Pope had recieved a prophecy about evil taking control of the world and that God wants me to help to stop it. In order to motivate me, God took away my abilities and that was the only reason I set out to find the people who would become The Inner Circle.

"It was hard, I must say, since I didn't have much information on the people I was meant to find, except that they were supposed to be Peter, James and John. I was working alone and working on behaviour patterns that stood out and stuff seemed to be something that was heading for a disappointing dead end. That is why I'm convinced that it was God who led me to them.

"I... kidnapped them and brought them to this sanctuary. Then we went straight for confession."

"Confession?" The Witch asked.

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