Chapter 13: The Circle and Nick

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It was almost 4:00 a.m. in Gold Coast. It was hard for Nick to fall asleep. It wasn't hard because he was sleeping on a blanket on the floor while James and Juan Francisco slept on the bed and Pierre slept on the couch. He was trying to figure out how and why he was taken by zombies. Seriously, how? Also, why did they do it, and why didn't they do anything to him. It all seemed pretty strange. Zombies don't take people. They can't. The only chance they get at people is when they get to rip off their limps or bite them.

"Why did they do it?" Nick realised his thoughts had appeared in words. Then he started to feel his fear and confusion justified any weird behaviour.

Nick suddenly noticed a green light in the room. It was getting brighter by the second. He got up and saw that the inner circle were glowing again. He placed his hand on his forehead in frustration. "Not this again."

They all started to rise.

"What are we doing here?" James asked.

"I have no idea." Juan Francisco answered.

Nick sat down in amazement. He had heard of sleepwalking. He also knew of sleep talking; his little sister even did it when they were younger. Sleep conversation was something new to him. His stomach started to churn as time went by.

The others were not saying anything but they were reacting to a sort of stimulus that would cause a commotion of some sort. A beam of light moved from Pierre's head to that of Juan Francisco and then from his to John's. Nick was at the centre of that triangle.

"It is a good thing we are here, Lord." Pierre said. "If you want, I will put up three shelters; one for you, one for Elijah and one for Moses."

Before Pierre finished that sentence, Nick found himself on a mountain top. There were three men up there, but they were not alone.

There was a man with black hair and a face full of light that stood with the three. For no understandable reason, Nick just knew he was Jesus. In front of those four were two older men whose age and wisdom, Nick could feel.

They couldn't see him. It was as if Nick was an astral projection in the past.

"Oh my God!" Nick exclaimed.  "It's Moses and Elijah."

"Jesus." Elijah embraced him. "I think I have gotten used to this new name of yours."

"What is going on, Brother." Jesus asked.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" Moses asked.

"Because, for six days, the both of you have been showing me visions of this mountain."

"It is your father." Elijah said.

"What about Him?" Jesus asked.

"He wants to descend." Elijah replied. "He wants to destroy the earth."

"Time is not up yet." Jesus cried. "I still have at least forty years more."

"I don't think you have time to wait for the thirteenth disciple who will betray you." Moses said.

"It has to be one of the twelve." Jesus added.

Peter, James and John looked at themselves. "Judas." They all said simultaneously.

At that very moment, a bright cloud appeared and covered the mountain top. Nick couldn't see anything.

"This is my son, whom I love." The voice came from the cloud. It was powerful and scary; but it was filled with unimaginable love. "Listen to him."

Then, the cloud disappeared, and when Nick could see again, he noticed the cloud had taken Elijah and Moses with it.

"Don't tell anyone what happened up here." Jesus told the three as they walked down the mountain.

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