Chapter 17: GriffinDoor and His Griffin

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February, 2017

I found it hard to believe that I had been a puppet f or the Chrees for one month. When Frank picked me up, he took me to Chree HQ to be turned and I had been stealing scrolls for him since.

It was on the first day of February, 2017 when a new assignment was brought to me. I was to go to New Delhi to get the final scroll in Asia and I had decided to make it my last mission.

I was lying in a hot bath when more memories of my past flooded my mind.

In my last lifetime, when I was friends with Frank, I convinced him that if I died and got reincarnated, he should make sure that the new me would get him all the remaining scrolls to be given to Fabian.

He did a very good job, actually, threatening to have my family killed if I disobeyed and all.

Anyway, there were just three more scrolls to steal and two of them were in the Sanctuary that made me who I was.

It was dark and a bit cloudy when I reached St. Theresa's. They were having a mass and I just walked in and sat on the last pew.

"Looking for this?" Stefan was the man I had seated next to.

"What?" I looked at him and my eyes widened when I realised who it was.

He lifted his coat and showed me the scroll.

"You just saved me a lot of work." I said.

"You killed the girl you love for me. This makes us even."

I shook my head. "No way. You can't just give me a scroll and call it even that I did something which is so much against my nature for you. You owe me big time."

I took the scroll from him and raced out.

"Wow, you're amazing." Frank said. He was on the roof of the church. "You didn't tell him you really didn't kill Clarissa."

"Did I have to?"

21st March, 2017

"Do you think it'll work?" Fabian asked Eben.

Eben walked away from the table and left the room. He returned almost immediately with a scroll which he opened and placed on the table with the other scrolls.

This scroll was yet another map of Gold Coast's Sanctuary, St. Patrick's Cathedral. It wasn't about the landscape or any other thing you'd expect on a map.

Apparently, Sanctuary's security prevented Supernaturals from teleporting onto the premises from outside. This map had some information of the safe zones to teleport to.

"If we teleport to this point," Eben's finger was pointed at the bell tower. "We can move through this safe zone to the back of the church."

"Inside the church we wouldn't be able to use our powers." Aramina said.

"It wouldn't matter." Fabian said. "We wouldn't need to. Our target is under it."

"What kind of treasure is under the church?" I asked.

Fabian urghed. "The GriffinDoor."

"I don't get it." I said. "You want to steal the GriffinDoor?"

Fabian just gave me an angry look.

"Where have you been all these weeks?" Clarissa said. "We can't steal the GriffinDoor."

"The two of you, however, can unlock it." Aramina added.

It took a few more hours but they were able to make me understand everything about the plan: where we're going to teleport to and the route we're going to take to be undetected.

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