Chapter 20: The Forced Ending

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"Get these shackles off me." I cried to Juan Francisco but he completely ignored me. "Juan Francisco!"

"Que?!" That must have been when he first heard me.

"Unlock these chains." I showed him my hands but his look didn't change.

He was still in shock and I believe snapping him out of it by slapping him would only make things worse.

"I can't." He said.


He turned away and followed the clamouring crowd outside.

Everyone else was pretty much focused on getting out of the building and that prevented them from realising that I am the only one who can fix everything.

Oh, sorry. Here's what was going on.

After Nick's speech, something incredibly annoying happened; approaching the church was a monster of melting rock. It was huge... like 200 feet tall. (Okay, I'm not so sure how tall that is but it was like the monster in Moana who turned out to be a Goddess.)

It had long pointy horns and a long tail with an arrowhead at the tip like Nightcrawler or... The Devil. It was bipedal, and it moved in a slow and disorderly fashion. That's not weird because that's how Giants move.

Yeah... Giants. They say they're real but I'll have to see one. I mean, if there are Giants on this planet, how come no one has seen them.

Anyway, I had to focus on the dripping lava and the fact that the monster was liquidating everything in its path. I was the only one who could save them and they wouldn't even let me.

I managed to get out, as well as pretty much everyone else, and the monster was even clearer and scarier to me. It was heading for us.

The High Lights flew to it and blew it up on contact but the worn out body of the monster would just repair itself. Soon, there were no more High Lights, and nothing distracting the monster heading right for us.

"We've got to do something." I heard Nagin Patel say.

I looked at him and saw that he was behind me, with Tanu, Shennel, Marvin and Nick. They were standing behind me like they were expecting me to do something heroic but I could not. I was in silver chains and that was blocking my access to my time abilities. I didn't even have the power of flight.

"Yeah." I said. "You can get these monstrosities off me."

They all ignored me and looked behind me at the monster in fear.

"Protectors!" Albert ordered and caught my attention. He was holding my mother's hand and she was holding Jenessa's as people clamoured around them. "Get the council to safety."

I watched as five protectors led the judges back into the church.

"Archenides." My father cried, with his hand pointed at the monster. "Stop that beast."

A second didn't come after his last word and the three full Archenides flew to the monster's head and started firing. They seemed to be onto something there but there were too many blasts, I couldn't see a lot.

I turned to look at Shennel and Tanu. "You have been ordered, Archenides."

Without a word, Shennel flew to the monster and watching how agile she was up there, I had faith she had as much chance as the others... which was not very much.

"Witches!" Andy Frimpong cried again. "Set up a blockade."

The monster was about 100 feet away from us and the witches who were present there sprang up a wall pf earth from the ground to shield us but it wasn't even remotely high.

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